One of my favorite lessons I have ever done with my Sunday School kids was about opening the door of your heart for Jesus. I read them Revelation 3:20:
“Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him.”
At first, the kids didn’t understand the point. They were trying to take it too literally (it probably didn’t help that we were making foam door hangers as our craft). I explained to them that the verse was talking about our choice to allow Jesus into our hearts. He knocks and we can either accept Him into our lives or keep the door closed. The lightbulbs went off in the kids’ eyes. Not only was it one of my most memorable teaching moments because of the way the kids understood and grabbed onto the phrase, but also because it represents a lesson that is valuable throughout the Christian walk.
Sure, opening the door of our hearts applies when we are making the decision to accept Jesus as our Lord and Savior. That makes sense, as the kids love to say. But what about after? It isn’t just a one-time deal. We have to continually remind ourselves that God is there, knocking at the door. He may be reaching out to help us through a difficult time or He may be asking to use us to help someone else. Either way, we must first leave the door open for Him to come in.
There may be days when it is easier to shut God out. We might be tempted to leave a “do not disturb” note on the door when we feel tried and persecuted. We might not even realize we are shutting the door. Instead, we might just slip farther away from God until we see that the door has been closed and we are drowning in the things of the world. Those are the very situations in which we need God the most. And He is always there, ready to help us. When we feel distant from God, we must remind ourselves that he is always standing at the door, knocking, and it is us who has shut it. In order to develop a deeper relationship with God, we must repeat the initial decision over and over again. We must continually open the door for God and invite Him into our hearts and lives.
If we leave the door shut, we might miss an opportunity to fulfill God’s plan for us or be used by Him to impact someone else’s life.
One example that comes to mind is something small, but it is significant to me as one of my most powerful experiences as a Christian. I was in the audience of a beauty pageant, watching one of my friends compete. She was in the midst of a very difficult family situation, and I knew that winning would give her excitement and encouragement that she desperately needed. The contestants had just left the stage after their introductions. There was quiet small talk but the auditorium was mostly silent. I bowed my head and said a small prayer for my friend. I asked the Lord to help her to do her best and to help her accept the outcome, regardless of whether she won or lost. I asked for His blessing on her to get through the hardship she was facing. As soon as I looked up, I felt a sense of peace and certainty. Without a doubt in my mind, I knew that my friend was going to win the pageant.
I sat there in anticipation as the girls competed in swimsuit and evening gown. The announcers began calling out the placements and suddenly it was down to the final two. My friend was going to win or be first runner-up. I was more nervous than I would have been if I had been on stage myself. I wanted so badly for that crown to be placed on her head.
She won.
I was jumping up and down, yelling congratulations to her from the back of the auditorium. Her family went on stage to take pictures and I waited to talk to her when she came down. I felt compelled to tell her about the prayer I had said for her and the feeling that had washed over me afterwards.
For those of you that know me, you know I’m not an emotional person. I never cry, ever. Not at funerals, not at weddings, not even at the sappy, pull-on-your-heartstrings movies. As I moved in to hug my friend, tears started rolling down my cheeks. It wasn’t even a voluntary sort of thing. I told her the message on my heart: The Lord loved her and He was looking out for her. He knew she was dealing with a lot, and this was His way of lifting her up, showing her how valuable she was to Him.
I don’t know how to explain it, but it was like God was using me to talk to my friend, to show her His love for her. If I hadn’t said that prayer or hadn’t had my heart open to God that night, I wouldn’t have been available for Him to communicate through. I wouldn’t have been able to feel His presence more strongly than I ever had before.
We are God’s hands and feet in this world and we must be ready for Him to use us.
Whether it be a big or small gesture, a simple prayer or a declaration before hundreds, it all starts with an open door. If we allow Him in, if we listen when He speaks, if we follow where He leads, we will be able to experience the wonder of the everyday miracles He performs. We will be able to be part of His plan and His workings, both in our own lives and in the lives of others.
All we have to do is answer the knock on the door.