Dear Big,
Let me just say this to start off: you are the reason I wanted to be in Zeta. Every time I talked to you during recruitment all I could think was how much I wanted to be in this sisterhood if you were in it. The second I walked out of preference night, I knew that I wanted you to be my big.
During big-little week, I knew it was you the whole time; lets be honest. Your first clue gave you right away, but to top it off, on the letters you gave me you wrote part of your name. You had one job, and you couldn't even do it. That’s okay though; I really hate surprises.
I have only known you for five, short months, but I feel like we have been friends forever. I know that I can talk to you about anything, anytime, anywhere, and you will always be willing to help me. You have helped me out more than you will ever know, in ways you probably don't realize.
Now that I am done with my first semester of college, I look back and all I can think is that I would not have made it this far without you. You have given me so much advice and support that I honestly do not think I could have done it without you.
You have been the big sister I have always wanted and I can not thank you enough for that. As my second semester of college is quickly coming to an end, I have looked back and realized how much easier you made the transition for me. I consider you one of the first friends I made in college. I can talk to you about anything and everything. Without you, I honestly do not know if I could have made it through this difficult transition.
I would just like to take a moment and thank you for everything you have done for me, and everything you will ever do for me, also for that smoothie you bought me before my first meeting. I cannot wait to see where these next few years will take us together, but wherever we go, whatever we do, I will always love you. Thanks for putting up with me big. You're the best.
Much love,
Your little