1. Your 7 a.m. drilling is not appreciated, especially when I don't have class until 10 that day.
2. Also blocking off my pathway from Center to the rest of the world, yeah that's not cool either.
3. Because ya know, instead of having to leave 10 minutes before class starts, I now have to leave 5 minutes earlier on top of that.
4. And then when I have to haul ass to class, and almost get hit by four bikes in the process, I blame it all on you.
5.Surprisingly (or not) some people don't think you all are a good enough excuse.
6. Even though if they lived by you lovely, noise making folks they would definitely agree.
7. Besides the noise, the extra sweat, and lack of sleep you cause me, you all create a lot of mud.
8. Therefore due to reason four, not only am I basically running to class, I'm dodging mud puddles in the process.
9. So maybe you all owe me some new white converse? Just a thought (size 7).
10. And just when I think you leave for good, there you are, waking me up two hours early yet again...