I hate chocolate. I don't like it whatsoever. I'll eat it, but every time I eat it I either need so much that the taste is out of my mouth or I need to eat something salty and then drink something after I eat the salty food. It's a process, and honestly it's not worth it.
I cannot be the only girl who hates chocolate. I cannot be the only person who hates chocolate. Like there has to be people who agree with me that chocolate is so overrated.
As I write this, I think the world might hate me after saying this. Like it's the norm to love chocolate. I will admit, at one point I thought chocolate is delicious. Whenever it's that time of the month, I will crave it and I only eat chocolate when I have a super strong craving for it.
Call me weird, call me awful, call me inhumane, but your thoughts won't change my opinion whatsoever. There are so many things that are better than chocolate, like off the top of my head Dr. Pepper. I will drink so many cans of Dr. Pepper, if I had won a lifetime supply of free Dr. Pepper, they would cut me off by age 30 or else the company would go out of business. If I had the money, I would be Dr. Pepper's number one customer in a heartbeat.
I joke that I want a whole room in my house dedicated to Dr. Pepper. In fact, it is a dream of mine to have a room filled with cans of Dr. Pepper, all for me to drink. Dr. Pepper is THAT good.
That's one thing better than chocolate, but I know not everyone is a soda fanatic like myself, so other things that are way better than chocolate are coffee (I need an IV of coffee,) potato chips, French fries, and most fruits (like strawberries, those are delicious). This list goes on, like chocolate isn't the worst food in the world, but it is towards the bottom of the list for me. Honestly, if I never ate another piece of chocolate again, I would live a very happy life.
Why? Why do I hate chocolate? Why do I want crazy-chocolate fanatics to revolt against me because I wrote this article?
Well, I don't want crazy-chocolate fanatics revolting against me. It's not cool, and I am not excited about that, but to those people hear me out.
I don't like chocolate it's a mixture of being too rich in flavor and it's either too sweet or bitter depending on if it is dark, milk, or white chocolate. Like there is truly no happy medium, dark chocolate disgusts me and whenever I spit it out. Whenever I eat milk chocolate, I eat something salty and then drink something to wash down the saltiness. I won't even put white chocolate near my mouth because it's so atrocious.
On top of that, the chocolate lingers in your mouth forever. I hate that. Not many other foods do that and if a food does that (like baked goods, that's a separate story), then I probably dislike that food too. I am not a picky eater, but I know what I dislike. Chocolate is on top of that list (next to most vegetables).
However, this is a great thing for the chocolate fanatics that I dislike chocolate. Simply because this means that there is more chocolate for you guys to enjoy. You don't have to share your chocolate with me. You can be shamelessly selfish and enjoy all of it for yourself.
Also, Valentine's Day is coming up, I know my date is going to be with my textbooks because I am basically dating my schoolwork at this point in my life. However, if anyone ever decides to gift me with something (please don't), a box of chocolates is the gift that I will give right back with no remorse. I'd rather have a date with my textbooks.
Moral of the story, I hate chocolate and I hope I am not the only person in the world who feels this way.