Only children are a rare breed to come by these days. We walk and talk just like all our peers around us but most people don’t understand that there are some things that set us apart (besides the no sibling part). I don’t expect everyone to understand this list, but if you are on the off chance an only child, like myself, then this list of the top 10 “only lonely-isms,” is for you:
1. When you tell someone you are an only child, you get the “look.”
You know what I’m talking about! The “Oh, you’re one of them” looks. Yes, I am one of “them,” is that a problem?
2. People assume that we are a spoiled brat.
I get told at least once a week that I don’t act like an only child. This just makes me laugh. It’s like we’re expected to act like the world revolves around us. Some of us are normal, I promise!
3. We are great at entertaining ourselves.
We can sit and mess with a ball, pencil or whatever you’ll give us and we can be entertained for hours. I once took a whole day and taught myself how to shuffle cards. But hey, now I’m a pro!
4. We are good at talking to adults.
Not having other kids to hang out with at family reunions and holidays makes us have to converse with the other adults around. I’ve never had to sit at the kids table at holidays because I would be literally the only kid at this table!
5. We need our alone time.
I don’t care how much of a people person you are, you need alone time. It’s what we’re used to! Sure hanging out with friends is great and all, but we got to have our recovery time or else we will not be very fun to be around.
6. Our pets become our siblings.
My dog is my “go to” when I am sad and need a hug. She knows all my secrets and worries, and she’s a great listener!
7. We make friends easily.
We’re used to having to walk into rooms knowing absolutely no one. You people with siblings don’t understand how nice you have it, always having someone to talk to when you know no one else. So we compensate and force people to be our friends!
8. We tend to love being the center of attention.
At home we are the only one that our parents concentrate on, so we’re used to it! Some of us abuse this way more than others, though. When normal kids get home from school, their parents ask them how their day went and they can get away with the response of “fine." But us only children don’t have that perk. When we get home from school we are asked 20 questions about our day and are expected to explain our whole day to the minute.
9. We’re not a fan of sharing things.
We didn’t grow up sharing everything with our siblings. If you ask us to share something, we may be a little reluctant or grumpy about it at first, but don’t worry we’ll come around!
10. We’re jealous of people who have siblings (sometimes).
We have all at one point wished we had siblings. It looks like it would be a lot of fun! But then when we see you guys fight, we are secretly relieved we never had that issue.
If you aren’t an only child and this list is all new news to you, then congrats welcome to the mind of an only lonely! But if you are an only child, then props to you!