As an only child, I have dealt with weird prejudices and comments about myself that really have nothing to do with me, but have to do with my lack of a brother or sister. Not going to lie, I've been harassed by it, and whenever I have arguments with people, the fact that I am an only child usually comes up for some reason. Why the negativity? Why can't it just be a fact that draws no emotion? You have a brother? Cool. I have no siblings. Also cool. And these are only some of the ways people have reacted:
1. “That must be nice.”
What do you want from me? To feel bad for you? Feel guilty for things I had no control over? Surely there are better topics to have a conversation about.
2. “You must get whatever you want!”
I hate all stereotypes, but this one really takes the cake. Just because there are less people in my house who are sharing my DNA does not automatically get me "whatever I want." I have to work hard to reach my goals, just like you do. (And, yes, I've been told "no" before!)
3. “So you’re spoiled, right?”
Yes. I am the epitome of Veruca Salt from "Willy Wonka" all because of my lack of siblings. Debt is an alien concept and I have never ever been told no. Funding my education is easy for me because my daddy gets me everything I want because I am his one-and-only. Hah, I wish.
4. “Are you rich?”
First of all, none of your business! This is not an appropriate question, whether it be directed at an only child or otherwise. Second of all, I don't assume you're poor because you have siblings. Show me the same courtesy.
5. “Life must be so easy for you!”
Yes, it is. I have never had a hard day in my life! Never been bullied, never scraped my knees on the sidewalk, never had to deal with financial problems (even as a college student!), and I have NEVER had to go to a doctor, a dentist, a hospital, or a psychologist because life is so flipping easy for me!
6. “I can’t STAND only children.”
Now, how is that supposed to make me feel? You talk to me, ask me about myself, and suddenly you can't stand me because I don't have siblings like it's my choice? As the esteemed philosopher Charlie Brown once said, "good grief."
7. "You must be so lonely.”
I mean, sometimes, but everyone gets lonely. It's not like I don't have friends or other family members to talk to.
9. “Do you want siblings?”
Anything I say in response to this will be offensive to you. Saying yes would implore you to say, "ugh, no you don't. You have no IDEA how horrible having siblings is. You have no idea how good you have it." On the other hand, a no would result in, "how DARE you? I LOVE my siblings and they mean the WORLD to me! I would NEVER wish them away! Screw you!"
10. “Lucky!” or “That sucks."
Honestly, can't it be neither? That's just how my life is, and I can't really appreciate either side of that argument because I've never experienced it. I don't know if my life is better or if it sucks without siblings. There is no way I would know. So how should I respond? Nod slightly and apologetically say, "yeah…" even if I am lying through my teeth? Anything to end the conversation, I guess.
Yes, this is just me being petty over all of my years of having to deal with these questions and comments. No, it really doesn't bother me all that much. It is a tad bit annoying, however, and I thought that I should bring it up SOMEHOW. Woah to whoever gave me the power to vent on a public website.