SIRENS is a show aired on the USA network. The premise of this show focuses on three paramedics in Chicago and the ridiculous adventures they find themselves wound up in from day to day. This show is funny due to the vulgar portrayal of men and preys on political stereotypes in such a way you can't get offended.
1. Funniest Damn Show on TV
This show is down right hilarious, no bones about it. The three lead characters are Johnny, Brian, and Hank. Johnny is just your average run of the mill guy. He's not super smart, or jacked, he's just an ordinary guy dating a cop named Theresa. Hank is Johnny's openly gay, lifelong best friend. And Brian is a the new recruit, who might be just a little too enthusiastic for his own good.
SIRENS is by no means a deep and though provoking series, but its crude and vulgar humor, mostly pertaining to sex, is more than enough to have your sides aching. This slapstick humor also has a touching side to it, just enough to add that little extra to make watching the show worth your time.
The more you watch, the more you pick up on the picturesque bro-mance that develops between Johnny and Hank. Johnny is the driver of the ambulance and falls into the leader of the bro-mance, but Hank never feels as though he's the side-kick. As the show progresses to season 2, you can't help but love relationship these two have.
2. Billy
This video tells you all you need to know about Billy. Dude is the definition of lovable idiot.
Note: Sirens isn't exactly a family friendly show, It is intended for more mature audiences. Still funny as hell though.