With Friends on Netflix, it's super hard to think about studying. When you need a break, sometimes Friends is the best time-waster. As finals draw closer, here are some thoughts on studying spaces, food, feelings and sleep.
1. Shoot, finals exist. It seemed so easy to kind of forget about them for 15 weeks.
2. I can do this. After 15 years of learning how to learn, I just need to do well on this exam. Piece of cake.
3. If I calculate my grade four times, will it change? OK, there are probably more productive things to do than checking ANGEL 20 times or making Excel spreadsheets, but procrastination is so relaxing.
4. Were conflict exam times released? Yes, yes they were. No pressure. That 8 a.m. exam, though ...
5. Everyone is so loud. Quiet hours are supposed to be a thing, right? Oops that's just a Spotify ad on the computer.
6. Time to make a D.P. Dough run ... or Insomnia order. Thank goodness for OrderUp and late night and college towns with places open until 3 a.m.
7. Nittany Notes and Lion Tutors must be making a lot of money. Granted, they don't necessarily teach you. In fact, they're pretty expensive. Still, for intro courses with 600 students, they're good at supplementing the notes and textbook. Money well spent.
8. Gosh, the library is so crowded. OK, everyone is probably a little restless after studying in their room for hours, but there are so many places to study other than the library. There seem to always be rooms in Thomas and Willard. Have you ever been to the IST bridge or any of Penn State past Atherton?
9. They redid the the HUB. I'll go there. The HUB is beautiful and a great place to meet people for McAlister's Deli, but it might not be the best place for studying. However, some of the upper floors are quite peaceful and have study spaces with outlets!!!
10. Shoot, everyone's in the HUB, too. Never mind. Someone had the same thought.
11. So tired. Someone needs to make a Finals Week Energy in addition to Fiver Hour Energy.
12. Time to get more free coffee at McClanahans. I mean, it's free. Who doesn't like free?
13. There's no way we talked about this in class. Did we even have class that day? Probably, no one was there. Besides, it's just harder to pay attention in class on a Friday.
14. So much information! Is it summer yet? That exploding-head feeling really does exist. If only no one could be aware of this exam.
15. Does anyone have a #2 pencil for the scantron? Sometimes the basics are just so hard to remember. Let's go. Time to regurgitate everything ever mentioned in class. Finals just shouldn't exist.