We’ve all encountered a time when we are signing up for classes and there is a section of the course you need -- offered online. Should you take it? Is it too good to be true? After some internal conflict, and maybe a peek or two at Rate My Professor, you decide to take it. Here are a few of the thoughts that are likely to go through your head from beginning to end of your online class experience:
Wait, so I can just sit at home and do a few assignments, never go to class, and get credit for this?
Count me in.
(Second week of classes). I should really check Blackboard to see what I have to do for this class.
I didn’t think about having to read all of the instructions that the teacher usually tells you about.
This is going to be a lot of reading. I don’t like reading.
Oh, they just want me to post an introduction.
Why do I have to post an introduction? Is anyone really going to read this?
I haven’t ever had to tell a normal class my whole life story.
I should look at the syllabus and write all the due dates in my agenda so I don’t miss anything.
Ugh, this is a lot of work.
I am so not prepared for this class.
Wait, we have a quiz today?
It can’t be that bad, I should just take it.
Does it allow multiple attempts?
(Takes quiz and sees grade). It doesn’t allow multiple attempts.
I should study next time.
I wonder if I know anyone else in this class.
(Checks roster on Blackboard). Nope.
Cool. Hold on, I recognize that name.
(Finds her on Facebook). That girl has definitely been in some pictures with ______ on Instagram.
I don’t really know her. But maybe we could work together?
No, that would be awkward. I guess I’ll just have to struggle through this alone.
How is the midterm already due?
When did that happen?
I mean, I guess it’s that time. I’m going to start studying today.
That’s like a week in advance.
(Day before the midterm). I forgot to study.
I don’t even know what it’s on. This is why I need a teacher to tell me things.
If I stay up all night in the library, I think I’ll pass.
(Twelve cups of coffee and one extra large pizza later). I think I'm going crazy.
Alright. This is it. There's no time like the present (computer malfunctions).
Seriously? You're going to do this to me? Right now? At a time like this?
How do I make it work? Maybe if I just hit all of the buttons, it'll start working.
Well, I guess that fixed it (takes midterm).
Wow, that wasn’t bad. This grade will make up for the first quiz, and that discussion board I forgot to do.
What are discussion boards, anyway?
I wonder what I have to get on the final to get an A?
I wish I was better at math.
Whatever -- I’ll just see how it plays out.
I don’t really want to study as much as I did for the midterm, though. That was a lot of work.
This class is exhausting.
Maybe there’s a Quizlet for the final.
Oh my God. Is this real life?
There is a Quizlet. There’s even one for the midterm.
I can’t believe I studied for that.
Now, I’m definitely getting an A.
Online classes are awesome.
I didn't have to go to class.
I didn’t have to talk to anyone.
I didn’t have to shower.
I didn't even have to wear pants.
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