To the ones that got away,
Well first let me start by saying 'Congratulations' of leaving me behind, must of took a lot out of you to leave someone like me. In this situation one of us left the other to feel better while making the other person better. To the guy that said "I wasn't good enough", it's okay I have come to the realization that the words you presented me were your own problems. Maybe you should begin to pay attention to your own self rather than tear me down to build yourself back up. To the guy that created excessive rumors about me, what did those rumors cover up? Your feelings or everyone else's feelings towards the situation? To the guy that first laid hands on me, thank you for making me realize how strong I am. Even though I never fought back, you lit a spark in me. Now if anyone dares to touch me the way you did, they won't last. To the guy that first used me for his own pleasure, you were the first of many mistakes but I will still thank you for that because after those times of being manipulated and used, I know how to stand my ground. To the guy that never did anything wrong, I am sorry but it wasn't the right time for me or you. Be happy you got away that easy. To the guy that always made me cry, you might of ruined my eyes for a month but now people compliment me on how beautiful and big they are. You should've paid attention to them rather than making them swollen. To the guy that never appreciated anything, you should've just left in the first place but thank you for not. At the end of our time you made me realize to never do that for anyone normal rather to do it for someone who was willing to make time and effort to appreciate what has been given to him.
To the people reading this, the ones that got away, got away for a reason. People are taken out of our lives for reasons and these are the reasons we should begin to figure out to better ourselves. Someone could be in your life for 10 years and could easily be taken away, why? That's your own personal battle and conflict you will have to achieve on your own. Being broken up with and used is physically and mentally draining causing the body to become depressed. As you begin to heal you begin to realize the things you were missing out upon or beginning to realize how that someone you thought was perfect, was not so perfect after all. It's learning to cope with a break up or with a person that just decided to leave with no explanation. The way you decided to deal with it, positively or negatively, will help you in the future. Pondering on the fact of "are they coming back" or "when will they text me" isn't helping you improve, it's making you decline, setting you back. You don't need them, you are you. You can go anywhere and be yourself. You aren't holden back by people. You are you and that's all that matters. Be you.