Over the course of my life, I always have found it interesting when animals would leave their young, at such an early age. Once they were just a few years, or even a few months old, they were off to defend for themselves and live off of their own resources and wisdom. I would look at humans however, and see how differently we did things. Just as many parents feel a deep connection to their children, we needed them just the same. We were not thrown out into the world to fend for ourselves after just a few months of being alive, we take much, much longer to develop and grow. Once we are grown and develop into our teens and adulthood, what compels us to feel so attracted to dependence? What makes us so scared to be alone in any type of situation? We would rather be with almost anyone that be alone with our own thoughts for more than just a few minutes. We choose to distract ourselves with things around us, rather than get to know and understand who we are, and develop a sense of oneness with who we are. Maintaining the idea that our focus must be on the external. But to truly maximize our potential to understand and change the world around us, we must understand who we are inside.
It is not rocket science. It requires no textbook or computer application to get to the inner depths of our soul. It simply requires the will to do so, and the courage to unveil and focus some time on ourselves. It is not selfish, but rather one of the best investments you can ever make.
There was once a psychiatrist named Carl Jung, who understood the value of understanding the soul and finding the root of who we are in ourselves. For his own personal needs, in 1922 in Switzerland, Jung built a two story round tower on his land. Four years later, he made an addition with the construction of another tower. Four years later, he built another, and after four more years, one final tower. Four towers, every four years, constructing a unique, castle looking structure. Notice the use of the number ''four'', signifying whole-ness. What made this tower so incredible however, was not the external building itself, but the soul of the building. To Jung, it was a sacred place. A place of peace, where he would paint and write inscriptions on the walls, delving from his most personal thoughts and dreams. Recording his fantastic visions, his most vivid memories. It was a personal temple for his own spiritual life, and him to explore more into who he truly was, and create who he wanted to become. The space was one which he reflected deep into his past, and prophetically into his future. A tower which stands as his embodiment for such a inner urgency for both oneness through simplicity, and a clear passage of eternity.
In saying this, I do not encourage anyone to quickly run outside and begin the construction of a castle. Rather, to create our own escape into ourselves. To learn, understand and create who we are. Our recurring ideas that find us so often, and our deep thoughts that stem from the far reaches of our subconscious. We study and focus so intently on the problems in our everyday lives around us, but we must strive to study the anomalies within. Light and illuminate our soul to perceive things so much differently. True confidence, true trust, true understanding and wisdom is results of this greater knowledge of what we have inside of us. Creating an inner sense of peace with who we are, and expanding that peace into the world around us.
I like to define 'enlightenment' as a final understanding like no other. Ancient Zen masters taught their pupils in a way that would lead them to answers they never knew were there. Answers and understanding that was inside of them the entire time. Even putting their students in positions to endure massive amounts of stress, all knowing the pupils would find the solutions within themselves in the end. These were the moments and times that often preceded enlightenment. A grand understanding.
It is extremely important to know your worth. Like the masters' pupils- it can be your source of ultimate strength. When we learn who we are in a whole sense rather than just a rational one, it unlocks so many new doors to our own potential. Just as it is key to take care of others, we must take care of ourselves. Love who we are. Respect who we are. Create who we are. There is poetry contained in each of us, providing depth, vision, insight, wisdom, language, and strength. It is simply our job to listen.
I challenge each of you today to not shy away from independence. I see and hear people all the time claim they will be 'nothing' without their boyfriend or girlfriend. That they will not even be able to continue on without the constant attention of someone or something. Do not tell yourself lies that will only hold you back. Lies that without a certain form of dependence you are incapable of any type of functions. When you fully believe and trust yourself, you will be amazed at what life can reveal to you. When you fully get and understand yourself, you will be shocked as to how incredible you really are. And when you have the courage to accept who you are, and create what you strive to be, you will possess power like no other.