In a few months, the United States will have a new face in the White House and as such, a new leader of the free world. The country is still divided over who should take Barack Obama's place once he exits office. Some believe Trump might emerge victorious. Others prefer to take the lesser of the two evils; Hillary Clinton. It might be historical if she gets elected; the first woman to ever become President of a still dominant patriarchal country still having racist, sexist, elitist tendencies. However, many still prefer Bernie Sanders, the unheard-of contender-now-turned-famous who has sparked and sustained a new grassroots movement which is still gaining steam with no signs of stopping. While Sanders has placed his bets on Clinton as well as Obama.
The question is, can she deliver? Politicians promise you the world and give you a penny for your troubles. Not enough to buy necessities like food, shelter, time or education. Given her track record, there is a significant chance she may be able to enact what she is telling, though actions are different from words and not just in their spelling. The world is growing weary of the idealism, lies and cleanliness. It's almost as if in their attempts to cover their mistakes, they leave out all the details and cherry-pick only the best bits. You know, the one where everyone is agreeing on one thing. The things which are justified even if they're wrong. Bailing out of big businesses who should've been left to sink, tax exemptions for the rich, favoritism, tolerance instead of acceptance, profit over people, dismissal of new ideas, new ways of thinking too radical, too eccentric, too far-out, blaming the poor for their actions. Justify, justify and more justifications for war, for money, for security, for things people don't even need. But everyone's learning, even the government and the corporations too big for their own good. It just might be that the country really needs a woman leading it for once. Just so people can suspend all judgments about those they keep underestimating and once and for all, turn everything equal. Not just for the many, but for all. As for Hillary, all bets are off. But she can't be worse than Bush can she?