‘One Tree Hill’ has taught most of us some pretty valuable lessons, and the show has given us some amazing quotes that inspire us to be the people we want to be. The show has given me amazing inspiration. With that being said, here are 23 times ‘One Tree Hill’ touched my heart.
1. “The rest of your life is being shaped right now. By the dreams you chase. The choices you make. And the person you decide to be.” – Haley James Scott
2. “What’s more important? What we become or how we become it?” – Brooke Davis
This is personally one of my favorite Brooke Davis quotes. I think it this is something most people don't even think about when talking about what we want to be and who we want to become. The most important thing to me would be how I became the person I am today, because that defines me more than anything else.
3. "At this moment there are 6,470,818,671 people in the world. Some are running scared. Some are coming home. Some tell lies to make it through the day. Others are just now facing the truth. Some are evil men, at war with good. And some are good, struggling with evil. Six billion people in the world. Six billion souls. And sometimes — all you need is one." —Peyton Sawyer
4. "Happiness is not a destination. It is a mood, it is not permanent. It comes and goes and if people thought that way then maybe people would find happiness more often." —Julian Baker
5. “Most people are stronger than they know. They just forget to believe in it sometimes.” - Keith Scott
6. “Somebody told me that this is the place where everything’s better and everything’s safe.” - Karen Roe
7. “All you can do is your best” - Jamie Scott
8. “Sometimes I think we waste our words and we waste our moments. And we don’t take the time to say the things that are in our hearts when we have the chance.” - Clay Evans
This quote was the moment I felt connected to Clay. I think saying the words we mean to say and taking the time to tell the people we love how we feel is an opportunity we should never pass up.
9. “Love is a wonderful thing and it doesn’t knock much. So when it does, make sure to open the door.” -Brooke Davis
10. “People are gonna label you. It’s how you overcome those labels, that’s what matters.” - Brooke Davis
11. “You’re too young to believe it isn’t going to be okay.” - Peyton Sawyer
12. “People want to hear songs with the words they are too afraid to say.” Peyton Sawyer
There are often times when there are things I am scared to say and words I just don't know how to form into the right sentences, and then suddenly I will hear them in a song and they speak for me. I think this is something that everyone feels at least one point in their lives, and it was a moment we were all able to relate to Peyton.
13. "But what are we waiting for? All we have is now. Don’t run from this." - Mouth McFadden
14. “And when you find yourself lost in the darkness and despair, remember it's only in the black of night you see the stars.” -- Whitey Durham
15. “It was a comet. The boy saw the comet and he felt as though his life had meaning. And when it went away, he waited his entire life for it to come back to him. It was more than just a comet because of what it brought to his life: direction, beauty, meaning. There are many who couldn’t understand, and sometimes he walked among them. But even in his darkest hours, he knew in his heart that someday it would return to him, and his world would be whole again, and his belief in God and love and art would be re-awakened in his heart. The boy saw the comet and suddenly his life had meaning.” - Lucas Scott.
16. “It's the oldest story in the world. One day you're 17 planning for someday and then quietly, without you ever noticing, someday becomes today. And then someday becomes yesterday. And this is your life.” -- Nathan Scott
17. "There is no shame in being afraid. Hell, we're all afraid. What you've got to do is figure out what you're afraid of. Because when you put a face on it, you can beat it. Or better yet, you can use it" - Whitey Duram
18. “It doesn’t matter how you plan it. It doesn’t matter how you envision it. Without even knowing it, sometimes life has a way of finding exactly what you need. Or exactly who you need.” - Quinn James
19. “You can’t measure a dream.” - Nathan Scott
20. “It’s not about what you say, it’s about what you do. You don’t like the person you have become then do something about it because nobody is going to do it for you.” - Peyton Sawyer
21. "Every once in a while, people step up. They rise above themselves. Sometimes they surprise you. Sometimes they fall short. Life is funny sometimes, it can push pretty hard. But if you look close enough, you find hope. In the words of children, in the bars of a song and in the eyes of someone you love. And if you’re lucky, I mean if you’re the luckiest person on this entire planet, the person you love decides to love you back." - Nathan Scott
Nathan Scott always found the right words to say, and in this moment he had summarized some of the most relevant memories of my life. There were times when people surprised me, times when people didn't meet the expectations I was hoping, and times when some people flew above and beyond anything I had ever imagined.