College: the infamous time when people sleep around as if it is some sort of game, almost like musical chairs. Often, they move onto the next person as if they were a pair of underwear, they get dirty quickly, frequently and, you can’t wait to move on to the next clean pair. Without fail, this cycle tends to repeat itself over and over again.
Quite frankly, I never really understood why people encounter in having copious amounts of sexual partners.
The “epidemic” of one-night stands has truly puzzled me altogether. What’s the point in having such a “passionate” memory between you and another person, for only it to mean absolutely nothing the next day? Maybe it’s in hopes that perhaps, one many of their many sexual encounters will turn into true, genuine love? As for myself, I’m not going to take that chance.
Sure, I’ve gotten a dozen or so texts around 11 p.m. at night under the context of “Hey, What are you doing right now?” in hopes that maybe, I’d come over to “chill.” While I’ll admit, it was nice to know someone was thinking of me and wanted my company, I knew it wasn’t genuine, whole-hearted or long-term.
Though this epidemic has been spreading for years, like wildfire, here’s why I’m standing my ground as to why you’ll be able to count me out!
1. I want someone to value me for me, and not solely just for than sexual reason.
2. Not willing to sacrifice my heart, because what if I end up really liking you?
3. I’m not the type of person who can put their guard up just to sleep with someone. I wear my heart on my sleeve, and have no shame in doing so.
4. Two words: self respect.
5. I know true love does exist. I’m sure that a quality relationship is is far better than a large quantity of multiple, non-genuine relationships.
6. If you want to “test the waters” with me, how about a date to start? Try to get to know me first. Coffee or a walk in the park will do just fine. I don’t need a 5-star restaurant.
7. How many other girls did you contact before me? I’m not willing to be a second choice, or anything beyond that.
8. Do you really respect yourself if you’re willing to constantly sleep around with so many other people?
9. Nothing is more embarrassing than the walk of shame the next morning (stride of pride?). If I’m going to be sleeping over I will need to have my fuzzy socks, pajamas, toothbrush and a change of clothes for the next day.
10. The thought of waking up next to a stranger freaks me out.
11. The only one night stand I’ve ever had is right next to my bed. And, quite frankly, that’s where it will stay, indefinitely!