Where do you begin with this word? Maybe with the definition? Examples? Maybe even specific examples of what I have seen and experienced directly through social media? I believe that it is time to address what has been happening over the past few months, and continues to occurs, dealing with the people who say: "I'm not racist, but..." statements. First, let's talk about exactly what microaggressions actually are.
If you know and interact with me, you know my voice does not sound like that of a stereotypical black male. I remember being younger and people saying, "You sound like a white boy." Even worse, "Tevin, you aren't black" This, in fact, is a microaggression, and a downright ugly one at that! I'm not claiming that this is just pertaining to white people either... African American people have done the same thing to me also. People simply do not get this concept, and in this political season, I have seen so many microaggressions it isn't even funny.
What people do not get is that microaggressions are not only against people of color, they can apply to everyone. When looking at the present day, microaggressions are more prevalent than ever before. Look at the Trump Campaign and his supporters.
When looking at his campaign, analysts and many others have stated that he has ultimately run his entire campaign off of fear of non-whites in America. Believe it or not, it definitely is true. "Making America Great" is something that has truly been an oxymoron. Banning many people of color, and restricting immigrants from coming to America is a blatant microaggression, and also racist. The sad part is: People do not get that.
I believe in America. I believe that we are making strides, and making progress for the future. It will take time, but I believe that we will get there. Way too many people have fought for social justice, equality, and American equal rights for us still to be stuck in the 60s. I promise you, microaggressions are a growing issue, and the best thing to do is identify it. Have you personally been practicing microaggressions during political season? Do you stereotype anyone based off of what someone looks like? Identify yourself, and also understand that you this is a growing issue. I believe that we can change this current nation of microaggressions and racism, into a nation of acceptance, and equality.