Ok, sleep schedule, now let’s get in formation! If only it worked that way. If you have an inconsistent schedule like I do, you know that a normal sleep pattern is almost impossible to create. Luckily, studies have put together a list of 7 reasons to excuse our afternoon hibernation habits…not that we needed any more justification but the support is comforting.
1. Napping helps reduce stress.
Had a crazy morning? Everything you can possibly imagine going wrong? Are you on the verge of pulling your hair out? That’s ok because it happens to us all. Although we don’t have a reset button to start the day over and hope for better, taking a nap can help to erase all of that crack of dawn chaos. Napping helps lower blood pressure and stabilizes pulse rates, which leaves us feeling calm and less likely to have a “Britney 2007” style meltdown. So if you can’t quit that stress-inducing area of your life, just plan an hour nap into your day and it’ll be like it never happened!
2. Napping increases productivity.
Let’s face it, none of us wants to do anything after a bad night of sleep. All we can think about is how hard we’re going to sleep when that time finally comes, or we’re sneaking quick five minute naps whenever possible. Either way, the day basically gets written off as unproductive. However, carving out a designated naptime gives our minds and body the rejuvenation it requires to push through the rest of our day. Midday naps deceive the body into thinking the day has started over, even if the nap is brief.
3. Napping improves memory and learning.
We’re all more perceptive to learning and, more importantly, remembering what we’ve just learned when we’re well-rested, and even though cognitive function is more closely linked to our deep rapid eye movement (REM) sleep, pausing and taking a snooze can reenergize our brains. Studies have shown brainpower remains higher among those who nap for at least an hour a day than those who don’t nap at all.
4. Napping calms your inner grump.
If you just pictured a fussy baby who hasn’t taken an afternoon nap then you know exactly what I mean with this one. Being tired doesn’t just affect us physically and mentally but also emotionally. Some people become extremely irritable while others may experience sensitivity. So to avoid those fits of rage or uncontrollable tears, make sure to take a nap and keep those emotions in check.
5. Napping unleashes creative thinking.
How many times have you woken up from a dream and suddenly had all of the answers to whatever has been bugging you? You can thank your nap for that. As previously stated, sleep is directly related to brain activity, so the more sleep you can get, the more brainpower you have allowing you to problem solve on a deeper level. So when you find yourself stuck between a rock and a hard place, take a little nap and see what you can dream up.
6. Napping reduces acne.
Who doesn’t want clearer skin? I’m not talking about the appearance of clear skin by applying pounds of make up but actual clear skin. While sleeping alone won’t cure your acne, sleep gives our skin time to rejuvenate and begin the process of removing toxins. When we don’t get enough sleep, toxins back up in our bodies causing our skin to stay inflamed and irritated. Lack of sleep also weakens our immune system, which is important for our healing process. When you find yourself in the middle of a random break out, reevaluate your sleep schedule and catch a nap to give your skin a breather.
7. Napping helps you push through.
We all have “long” or “early” days that we dread. Usually on those days, we already have a nap planned into our schedule. We comment all day about “napping so good” when we finish whatever it is we have going on that day. That is what motivates us to push through the hard day that lies ahead. The nap becomes a reward. It’s the same as when you want to lose some weight and fantasize over the new dress you’re going to buy when you reach your goal. The idea that something better waits on the other side gives you the push you need overcome that day’s obstacles.
So my fellow sleeping beauties next time you find yourself on the verge of a breakdown or in the middle of a breakout, curl up in a dark corner and catch some zzz’s for an hour or so. When you wake, you’ll remember that life goes on and there’s no problem a good snooze can’t fix.