With winter break coming to almost an end, I am kind of happy to go back to Springfield and start classes. I love my family in my hometown, but my friends and boyfriend are in Springfield and I can't wait to be back. I am ready to start anew and to start my new year off string and right.
My winter break consisted of working my retail job and spending it with those I love and care for. I would say I had a pretty good break. My boyfriend came and visited me and then we both went to a wedding for one of his friends from college, which was on New Years Eve and I will say, it was a lot of fun. It snowed here in my hometown and I learned how to use my dad's snowblower and had fun doing it. I got to video call with my brother on Christmas and that was the best Christmas gift I had been given. With everything that happened during my break, I am ready to go back to school.
I have set goals for myself coming into the new year and I am ready to start them. I want to do great this semester with new and harder classes. I want to continue losing weight and to keep loving myself. I want to become more patient, not just with people, but with myself. I am ready to do these things and a little more. I am ready for classes to start, I am a little excited to be honest. Weird, I know, but starting classes this semester means closer to being able to graduate and to become smarter and wiser. It may be hard and I may cry and have some breaks downs. But, I will be surrounded with people whom I love and care for and it will all be worth it.