This has been one of the roughest semesters that I can remember. Boo-hoo me, right? But in all honesty, I just want it to end. I have taken up a new minor and tried different classes.
At first I was excited and now it has just been a workload and I haven't had much time to myself. I guess I'm just really looking forward for next semester when I will be in Rome, Italy having the experience of a lifetime. I don't even want to think about school right now, but I have to. All I know is this: it's only one more week, until one of my favorite holidays. On November 24th, I will be in Kalamazoo, Michigan celebrating Thanksgiving with my family.I like to think of it as a well deserved break from school and a good time to catch up with my friends and family from back home.
For the past 10 years, I have kept a great tradition with how I celebrate my Thanksgiving. Every Thanksgiving morning, I wake up and go play pick-up football with my dad and a few of his friends that he played backyard football with in high school. We go out back to my dad's childhood home in Redford Township and play football right next to his house with some of his friends and kids who go to Redford Union High School. My dad has been doing this since he was a teenager, but I became apart of the tradition in my 6th grade year. After we play and someone finally pulls their hamstring, my dad and I head back home and wake up my mom and my brother so we can get ready to head out to K-Zoo.
It's a long two hour drive, but it is worth it. When we get their, I get to see my relatives who I missed so much. My cousins, my aunts and uncles, and my beloved grandma who is now 90 years old. Once we get there, the Detroit Lions are playing on T.V. and we are all socializing and watching the game having the time of our lives. The other bonus is now I can drink with my relatives because I am 21 years. That booze will come in handy if the Lions blow it.
But that's not even the most exciting part. What I love most is the food. The turkey is always great, but my grandma makes the best mash potatoes I have ever had on Thanksgiving. We also have green bean casserole, stuffing, corn casserole, and some fantastic yams to go along with the Thanksgiving feast. It really is a glorious time. I catch up with my family members who I haven't seen in a very long time and in the process eat some fantastic food. After dinner, we finish watching the Lions game and then go on to dessert having either cheesecake or pumpkin pie. I always go for the cheesecake and coffee, but I am never hesitant on the cherries, whip cream, or even the French vanilla Ice cream.
During dessert, we play fun games like Apples to Apples, or Sequence, which I admit that my grandma and I have the best team in Sequence ever. After a long day, at about 6 o'clock when it starts to get dark, my family leaves for home and we say goodbye to the family members who I will look forward to seeing in December during Christmas time.
It's always hard to say goodbye, but I always remember that no matter what, I am thankful for my family and the tradition that we have kept ever since I was born. All in all, there is no doubt in my mind that Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays and it will always be a time that I will never forget.