It's safe to say that everyone, even your grandpa's cousin's dog knows who One Direction is. "That British boy band, right?" To which every 2012 fan girl would scream, "BRITISH-IRISH. NIALL IS IRISH." Well, there were (still is) a particular group of very dedicated girls known as fangirls. Fangirls basically molded their whole lives around One Direction. Everything that came out of their mouths and every thought in their minds revolved around One Direction. I was (and still am) one of those girls. I'm about to share with you 13 things that myself and essentially every other One Direction fangirl did, specifically in the year 2012, the golden "directioner" year.
1. Funny Moments
The first thing you did as you entered the One Direction fandom was search "One Direction funny moments" on YouTube. You would then proceed to spend that whole night (week) clicking on part 2, 3, 4 and so on.
2. Carrots
Eating carrots so Louis would like you...
3. The Video Diaries
The video diaries were iconic. End of discussion.
4. Fact:
"OMG, this one says Harry likes brunettes and I'm a brunette so that means we're meant to be!!!"
5. Reading Fanfiction
And immediately regretting it. Or not. Personally, for me, some of them got a bit too... you know.
6. Pretending To Be Eleanor
Doing so meant parting your hair down the middle, curling it, and wearing black pants accompanied with white keds. It also included going to Starbucks and telling them your name was Eleanor in a British accent. Oh, that was just me? Alright.
7. Buying J-14 Just For Posters
If two of the boys were on the same page but on different sides, making you choose who to put up and who is going to face the dark, cold wall was heartbreaking.
8. Singing The High Note In Gotta Be You
And feeling like you were on top of the world. Speaking of "Gotta Be You," let's take a moment to remember female Taylor Lautner and "Shadow Pico."
9. The Live Versions (Lyric Changes)
"You could be preoccupied dif-er-ent date, ev-er-y night."
10. Becoming Obsessed With Basically Every Other British Musical Artist
Little Mix, Cher Lloyd, Ed Sheeran, Olly Murs... just to name a few.
11. "Lewis"
Anyone who called Louis "Lewis" in 2012 was basically dead to the One Direction fandom.
12. More Louis
2012 Louis in 3 words. Tea. Stripes. Kevin.
13. X-Factor
My personal favorites included "Viva La Vida" and "Chasing Cars." (Throwback to angry Harry and excited Niall.)
Honestly, I could go on for hours more. Caroline Flack. Torn. "Vas Happenin." Baby Lux on twitter. Spoons. That very odd period of time where Harry and Liam looked exactly alike. Actually, I'm going to throw that one in real quick because it still messes with my mind.
In actuality, I wouldn't take back the crazy fangirl days. It was because of those days that I met my best friend and a bunch of amazing internet people that I still am connected with via Twitter to this day, 5+ years later. Just for fun, I'll throw in one of the most "carroty," (but by far not the worst) tweets I could find by yours truly.
Oh, wow.