"I'll start Monday" or "I'll start tomorrow" are really common phrases we use to avoid starting good habits that may be a bit challenging to stick to. Maybe it's eating healthy or going on a 15 minute jog every day. But why do we continue to put off habits that we want to start? Aren't they for the better?
At the start of quarantine, I had the mentality that I needed to take advantage of my free time and be as productive as possible. I really wanted to improve myself. I made a list of several things that I wanted to start doing like drawing 30 minutes everyday, going on a morning run every other day, and eating at least one completely healthy meal a day. But those changes did not end up becoming habits. Although I had made a list of habits that I wanted to start, I never found the "right" time to start them. Trying to start so many at the same time was probably not the way to go either.
So how can we start incorporating a good habit into our lives? A good tip is to focus on one habit you want to stick to. The first habit you choose can be the one you think will be the easiest for you. Or it can be the hardest one. Once you get that new habit down, start the next one until they become a part of your everyday life. They will start to feel natural and you won't even have to remember to do whatever your new habit is.
If you "mess up" your new habit, don't wait for the next Monday to start again. Start again the next day. Stop giving yourself excuses to put off incorporating a good habit into your life. We often give ourselves these excuses because we lack the motivation or discipline to continue. Remember the reason why you want to incorporate those habits into your life. To be healthier, to feel more energized, to feel stronger, to feel productive. Don't give up.
Habit trackers are a great way to keep track of your habits, you can make one on your own or you can buy premade empty trackers. Finding a buddy to keep you in check is always helpful as well if you need someone to help keep you accountable. You can always find a reward to motivate yourself if you stick to your habit for a certain number of days or weeks.
Why should you continue saying "one day" when today can be your "day one" of many more days to come. Don't put off doing something you want to do for yourself any longer! Start today.