Imagine you have $84,600 in a bank account every morning. It carries no balance day to day and you can’t make any deposits, only withdrawals. At night, the bank deletes whatever portion you didn’t spend and you can never get that money back. Essentially that’s money wasted. And wasting money is not wise. So what do you do? Draw out every cent of course.
See each of us has a bank. The bank is called time. Every morning it’s filled with 84,600 seconds for you to use. If you fail to use the daily deposits, the loss is yours. Like I said earlier, you can’t carry over money – time – you didn’t use the next day. You must live in the deposits of the present. Use it and invest in happiness, health, joy, and success. The clock is ticking. Make the most of today.
I really like the phrase "one day too late" because tomorrow isn't a guarantee. The next second, even the next breath you take isn't a guarantee. We only have the moment we're in. I think there is more to life than just holding grudges against other people. Sometimes people hold grudges for years and when something thatcomplicated is stored inside someone for so long? It can make you sick.
We're alive. Now. Don't take your time to make the most of it. I know the phrase "make the most of every moment" is cliche and cheesy, but I do think it holds a lot of truth to it. Even something as mundane as doing homework is a blessing because there are people all over the world who want an education.
The time is now to be happy and live life to the fullest. Because tomorrow could be one day too late.