I’ve finally completed one semester of college and it was definitely an experience. I’ve learned to master different things along along the way and it's all thanks to my college experience.
From tests to lectures to parties, there’s just so much to handle. But school comes first—that’s why we’re here in the first place! There were times where something fun would come up and I would have to give it up because I had an exam the next day. I found that not everything could be done, but I got a chance to do some of the things that I wanted to do with ease. It’s important to pick your battles and to prioritize.
I have many idiosyncrasies to bring to this university and believe it or not, so does everyone else! In college, I realized the importance of making and keeping friends, and when two people are in the same boat, it makes it easier. I also know now that I don’t have to get along with everyone I see because even though there are few people that I don’t click with, I strongly feel that I will be best friends with the few individuals who are always be with me. I learned to accept the people that I don’t get along with as a part of my life.
In high school, my friends and I could take over the world together and nothing could stop us. Thanks to distance, I can’t see them as often as I did back in the day. This is where I had to learn how to adapt. I was surrounded by new people on a regular basis. This was a part of my routine. I had to learn to adjust to the sudden changes happening in my life. It’s important to learn how to adapt, because although this semester is now in the past, it was the present at one point, and you have to learn how to deal with things in the present moment.
Though there were a few bumps on the road, this semester was smooth sailing overall. Thanks to everyone who made it easy. I hope everyone enjoys the holidays and I hope to see everyone next semester.