Denominations in Christianity can be a little hard to understand. Some denominations do things completely different while others only have a few small differences between what they practice. But something that all Christians have in common is that we are united through prayer.
It's easy to get caught up in all the madness and stress of school. Georgia Southern has witnessed a large amount of sadness and loss in the past year, and one of the best ways to let the heart mend is to pray about it.
On Thursday, November 12th at the GSU Rotunda starting at 7pm, there will be a prayer rally open to anyone who wishes to attend. There will be coffee served at tables for refreshments. There will be a worship band filled with members of all the ministries involved in the rally.
There are over 10 students Christian group represented by this event, and last year's event hosted about 350 students. We want to keep expanding this event so that anyone who feels compelled to come feels comfortable joining in. Each Christian group participating in this event will have prayer counselors on standby for anyone who needs prayer or someone to talk to. In between worship sets we will have breakout prayer times and Georgia Southern student testimonies.
There will also be a time for a prayer cross sticky-note activity. Originally, the activity was thought up by McKay Pittman, one of the 5 nurses Georgia Southern lost in April. It will be a beautiful way to continue on her activity and keep her in our hearts.
At the end of the worship service we will have prayer walks divided up by major. Students will walk to their major's buildings on campus, pray, and then come back to close out the service. This event exists out of a need to create more unity in the body of Christ. The world of Christianity is sometimes too easily divided by denominations and small differences. We are encouraging anyone who it interested to come. It will be a fun and uplifting time to get in touch with God through prayer, and to also pray for the Georgia Southern campus and other issues around and outside of our little bubble.