Coming out of a toxic relationship, or maybe just one that didn't seem right, can feel freeing. You can finally start to repair yourself. Once you find someone that you connect with, everything you knew about relationships, begins to change. Here's a list of 25 things that happen, once you find you're person.
1. You smile every morning when you wake up.
2. They make you forget all the bullshit that’s going on in your life.
3. They become your best friend.
4. You look forward to Valentine’s Day.
5. You realize you can still be your own person.
6. You become friends with their friends.
7. Time becomes your worst enemy; moving faster than you can comprehend.
8. Fairy-tales don’t seem too far fetched.
9. Silence is welcomed, and never awkward.
10. You miss them, even when you’re with them.Â
11. People tell you that they’ve never seen you so happy.Â
12. Embarrassment isn’t a thing.Â
13. Your priorities become their priorities.
14. You never have to question your self worth.
15. You can have THE worst day possible, and nothing will quite get to you, because you know who have at the end of the day.Â
16. You can ask for things without feeling like a burden.Â
17. Dancing in the rain together, doesn’t seem so silly.
18. So much happens in such little time.Â
19. Being in their presence, becomes almost a necessity. Without it, you feel empty.Â
20. Everything you do, seems like a date.Â
21. Their the first person you want to talk to about everything, each day.Â
22. Everyday feels like a dream.
23. You don’t feel the need to snoop through their phone, or their social media at all.
24. Grocery shopping and everyday chores, become fun adventures instead of tasks that need to get done.Â
25. Happiness is effortless.