Once Upon A Time in a land far far away there lived a handsome young Prince in his beautiful castle. The Prince owned all the land he grew up to live in. And soon one day, the Kingdom would be his. He was loved by all. He was a very nice Prince, tall, handsome, I said that already, generous, and of course, rich. But this Prince wasn’t any Prince, no he was The Prince. He was the Prince that would one day change --
Okay, I’m going to stop you right there because this story isn’t going as planned. In fact, it’s the complete opposite. Do you honestly think someone is going to want to read about this?
Of course! Who wouldn’t?
Yeahh…...no….. I’m taking over.
Let’s start again, shall we?
Once Upon A Time___
Did you really think I was going to start like that?
If you thought for a second that this is one of those fairy tales that begin with 'Once Upon A Time' and continues to go on with a sad beginning preferably the death of someone, you know just like Disney does it. Then you're wrong. Because you know how Disney rolls. They just love to make you sit there and weep because an amazing character died, like Mufasa. You know what Disney also like to do, cover up the real story behind these fairy tales. If you don’t know what I’m talking about, then do yourself a favor, go to Google and search Grimm Fairy tales. And there my friends you will see a slightly, not so slightly different story to these fairy tales we all grew up watching and love(d). No, it’s not a plot twist, because saying it's a plot twist is sugar coating it. And if anyone knows the real version of these almost happy go lucky fairy tales, know the real story is much worse than that. I think gruesome fits the description well. But of course, Disney isn’t going to scare the kids away. No, they're not about that life of subliminal messages and scary scenes. No, they’re more of the type to just ruin your childhood when you find out the truth. So thanks, Disney!
If you also thought that the story continues on to this dramatic middle, well I don't know if dramatic is the right word for this story, but I'll let you be the judge of that. Then you're almost on the right track. And finally, if you think that the story continues on and on until we reach the happy ending of 'and they lived happily ever after' and then sprinkle it with 'The End' then this isn't the story for you. So I suggest you look elsewhere. Because this isn't the story for you. In fact, this story definitely isn’t for you because this story isn’t going to be any ordinary fairy tale. I wouldn’t even call it a fairy tale if I were you. Because this story is so beyond the stereotypical fairy tale, it should have its own genre. A genre so amazing that only certain pieces can fit into its category. So before you jump to conclusions and think this is another one of those fairy tales. I suggest you read again. This isn't your ordinary fairytale. In fact, I wouldn't call it a fairytale at all because like I said, this story is about to change.