Once upon a time, there was a huge country where people of all kinds lived. This huge landmass surrounded by the sea was a superpower among others of its type. The people chose their rulers every so often. Their rulers promised to fulfill their demands and offer them a flourishing lifestyle, and some very much did, but at the cost of at least others’ unhappiness. Initially, the people were blessed to have a say in who they wanted their sovereign to be, but later cared much less about any of it. Some carried the privilege on their happy shoulders, while some shrugged it off as burdensome.
I am not trying to paint a picture of Thomas Moore’s pseudo- Utopia, rather, my aim is to illustrate what happens when a free society has rights. Rights to choose to do something or not do something. In either case, whatever their disposition, it is alright, because it is their right to choose so! Here are the exact quotes from a few college students when inquired about the election and if they voted. Their real names are not mentioned for privacy reasons. Instead, I have given them funny pen names.
I hope you get as amused, entertained, disgusted, or encouraged (depending on your preference) as I have been:
“Hi! Did you go and vote?!” (This Question and greeting is repeated for everyone I meet)
Hot guy:
“I have not voted since the 2000s. My vote does not count anyway.”
Tall legs:
“I don’t vote coz I am black.”
Baldie Boy:
“I am voting for [nominee name] because our current president was born in Tanzania.
Shortie cutie:
“Yes, I did. And I will declare openly who I vote for, coz every fool who votes for [opponent] is just dumb and ignorant. #Justcant
Tvon Vaus:
“I can’t vote, so why does it matter?”
StarWars Addict:
“Yes I did. I voted for [nominee] because they have more experience over the other. I can’t have someone going in blindly to lead us.
Great Gatsby:
“Oh yeah I did. Grrr, isssh, hmmm, [opponent] is an idiot. Can it get any worse?”
Maintenance guy:
“I voted for [nominee] because they are [party type].
Curly tresses:
“I don’t feel safe with either of the hooligans man. I casted an early Ballot though.”
So you see, in the vast land of freedom and liberty, there lived a race of people who crossed oceans to find this suffrage, and now, find it hard to get out of bed and cast a vote. Either way, no one is wrong because it is their right to do as they choose. Asking a small group about a pervasive issue isn't all that accurate, but it still gives you the insight of today's culture. Let us not forget that today’s decisions will impact tomorrow’s outcomes.
Happy enlightenment! :)