Do you ever think about your childhood and the wonders you had? I miss the days where everything was simple but where we had awesome snacks and toys. Here are things that my generation love and miss.
1. Wonder Balls
What's on the inside?
2. Bop It
The faster you went the cooler you were!
4. Mighty Beanz
If you were anything like me you owned this blue case and had to own all of them!
5. Crazy Bones
Playing games with these was a blast! I love them and miss them.
6. Wacky Packs
7. Garbage Pail Kids
8. Tamagotchi
9. Hit Clips
I wanted every single song possible. I don't care how long they were I had to have them all.
10. Skip It
These toys were awesome. I remember putting it on my ankle and if I didn't jump in time, just getting bruises. But it was a lot of fun and I would love to own one again!
11. VCR Tapes
I had to own all of the Disney movies so I could re-watch them over and over again. I think my parents got sick of them and are happy they no longer exist.
12. Nintendo DS
I had to have every single game and the newest one. Honestly I almost made my parents get me a new one because I miss it so much.
13. Game Boy
13b. Gameboy Advance
13c. The Game Boy Advance SP
14. N64
Why can't we go back to using these?!
15. Backstreet Boys
They still have a website? Are you trying to make me cry? And choose between them and Backstreet boys what are you doing to me?!
17. OLD Disney Channel
Where is my "That's So Raven" and "Lizzie Mcguire?
18. Video Now
19. Bratz
You had to have all of them for all of your friends to play with.
20. Polly Pockets
I had all of the dolls and the airplane and I would NEVER let anyone touch that airplane it was precious.
21. Socker Boppers
The old school way of taking aggression out on friends/family/siblings.
22. L'OREAL Kids
These smelt the best and I love them. But no tears? We all know if we got it in our eye it hurt like a b*tch.
23. Tooth Tunes
24. Word Art
25. Beanie Babies
I collected all of the possible ones that I could. You see that silver cat there? Her name is silver. We all know that we had like every single one and tried to keep the tags on. And when their birthday came around we sure as h*ll celebrated them.
What are you doing to us? Where are all of these wonderful things??? I can't stop thinking about everything that I miss. Stay tuned for a part two!