On Writers
Finding Elysian
As writers, do we spill ink onto blue lined paper in order to find ourselves, or in order to lose ourselves?
I read The Great Gatsby and see his name in flashing neon lights on a highway sign, remembering that I believed in him more than he did in himself. Then, while I reread The Awakening, I am reminded that I belong to none other than myself. That I am strong willed, and therefore unbreakable.
Which parts of myself, that have been lost, were shedded for the better and which parts should have never been lost?
Everyone is a universe. Constructed of not just one, but millions of tiny green masses created by an all-loving God who created such intricacy throughout the entire known and unknown galaxy. Humans were made to evolve over time, to change according to their constantly changing genetic and spiritual makeup. In stating that fact, we must all find a way to discover how those changes are happening. I write to better discover which parts of myself have been lost and which parts have been picked up along the way.
However, the question is, how does one become a writer by standards of changing the universe within others? As a writer what is defined as powerful enough to influence such large spiritual transformation?
That is a powerful gift to obtain; the gift of transformation.