What makes you think you're ready without being ready? Not sure what I mean? Well, let me explain. Whether the relationship you're getting out of ended on a positive note or a negative, don't throw away the napkin after one wipe. Most times, you'll have to grab another because you've missed a crumb, if not many.
Let's say you decided to go out that evening after ending things with your now ex partner earlier in the day just to get it off your mind and just thought you'd be A-OK. It's not as easy as you think because when you start chatting it up with an complete stranger. It may seem like heaven at first but true hell at the last. You're going to get immediately trapped in your feelings and lose it! Maybe you hold back from telling this person you just met that you ended things with someone only a few hours ago, and try to hold your composure while with this random flame...BUT you suddenly get emotional and walk away from the scene, leaving them questioning if they care enough that they aren't getting further than that club tonight!
On the other hand, you could be very open and spill your guts after a few drinks with the tears flowing and they'll pretend to care. Hello? They just want a good time and couldn't care less that your eyebrow game or personal hygiene is off for the evening with the rest of you!
The point of this post is to commonly understand that, no matter how strong you may think you are, you are NOT ready to barge into another big bang shabam of any sort with anyone because you haven't developed a proper relationship with yourself. Practice catering to yourself as the Queen or King you could only wish to ever be and then use those skills and apply them in the future!