Christine Blasey Ford's story was one that many men and women who have suffered from sexual assault can relate to. Though it may have happened in their teenage years, many survivors understand that the effect of the trauma can never be ameliorated no matter how many years have past. Many question Ford's sudden allegations. Many believe that it is another scheming agenda of the Democratic party. Many believe that it should be forgotten since it happened during their "teen years." Many question her on why she didn't report it immediately. They are skeptical about her credibility and honesty no matter how much evidence she has to back it up. They question everything and everyone except the predator himself, Brett Kavanaugh.
Why do people repeatedly assume that survivors, who simply want to obtain justice, are always subject to political venality? Let us not forget the case of Anita Hill, who suffered a grueling interrogation:
"Do you have anything to gain by coming here? Has anybody promised you anything for coming forth with this story now?" - Sen. Patrick Leahy (D-Vermont)
Why do people believe that sexual trauma convicting sexual predators is a "steep price to pay for 20 minutes of action?"
That is a word we use all the time.
The answer is never as simple, but the logic behind it
Why do people protect the predators and blame survivors for calumny?
parochial, vindicate using survivors to support, defend, blame fend, blame, or have to ever support a political after years of therapy, trauma, and fear has decided to come forward with her story in an attempt to prevent Brett Kavanaugh, the Republican Supreme Court Nominee, from sitting on a panel that is supposed to stand for equality and justice.
What does this kind of logic look and sound like?
However, this logic is what makes 994 rapists that will walk free out of 1000.
People are often so surprised why we continue to use this kind of logic allegation after allegation. Why do we keep using this childish phrase meant to shrug off childish behavior to justify sexual assault?
Why do we continue to protect the predator and bash the victim? Hoping that people would notice the grass stains on the football jersey before the blood stains on the trophy wife, the Stanford Acceptance Letter before the unconscious girl behind the dumpster. Hoping that a cold face will be forgotten after it has been buried six feet under.
"Boys Will Be Boys" is defined as a phrase "used to express the view that mischievous or childish behavior is typical of boys or young men and should not cause surprise when it occurs."
Let me repeat that, Boys Will Be Boys is a phrase used to express the view that mischievous or childish behavior is typical of boys or young men and should not cause surprise when it occurs.
When we equate sexual assault and rape as typical behavior for men