On social media forums, such as Instagram there is a compelling desire for a majority of its users to creatively convey their thoughts and emotions through pictures. Each picture is a depiction of the users lives, typically met with the praise of a like or gratification from a comment. Similar to every other social media forum, there is a large variety of different trends, domains, and hierarchies that are dominated by a few amount of individuals. The “Insta-elite” is what could be used when referring to these users as they popularize their brand or specific kind of “feed” to the world. In one particular domain, there is “Black Insta”. Close to “Black Tumblr”, the domain has its own alliance of mutually creative and outspoken Black users that reign from all realms of Black culture.They are a group of thinkers, poets, content creators and artists that intend to spread a message. Make a movement. Or reach out to their audience through their content. While surfing through my timeline, I always seem to find myself in awe of one particular Instagrammer, Donn Brathwaite. A graphic designer that has utilized instagram as a way to express his creativity while making social statements against gender norms. Recognized and loved by many, he is one of the most influential content creators on the instagram site itself. With consistent vocation of body positivity, good humor, and art it's hard not to take this as fact.
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Interesting Things To Know:
- Favorite color: Has no favorite color. Chooses to love all colors of the spectrum; yet has recently been into nudes.
- Favorite artists: FKA Twigs due to her ability to convey so much emotion and creativity in her music.
- Believes a lot of people try to prevent others from being themselves and wants to eliminate that social practice. Doesnt agree with the act of belittling others.
Q.) If you were to describe your upbringing, how would define it? Any Examples?
Donn did not grow up in an open-minded environment. It was a challenge for him during his childhood due to harmful mentalities that had instilled colorism and hate within his environment. As a West Indies native, Donn explains that in the Caribbean they promote a lot of negative beliefs which posed a challenge for him to love himself. As he got older, he began to utilize social media outlets. It inspired him to become an advocate for self love and creativity. If it wasn't for social media, Donn states that he wouldn't have been as comfortable in his own skin if it wasn't for instagram.
Donn did not grow up within a traditional two parent household. During his childhood, Donn did not have a consistent father figure. Often times he would see him from time to time, around twice a year. But as he got older the amount of times he would see his father decreased. Raised primarily by his mother, Donn credits her for financially supporting his college education. He mentions that the type of relationship he has with his mother is somewhat open minded. A consistent process of understanding one another.
Q.) What's your sexual orientation?
When asked, Donn quickly dissociated himself from all labels. He chooses not to identify with a sexual orientation. He openly admitted to still being in the process of discovering himself in terms of who he is and what he prefers.
Q.) What is your gender?
Donn openly identifies as a male. He believes that it is difficult for people today when identifying themselves due to the large variety of different identities.
Q.) What kind of people do you surround yourself with?
As an individual that prefers positivity and light energy, Donn chooses to surround himself with goofy and serious people alike. He prefers to associate himself around people that are not easily offended. Favors people with a carefree attitude that are capable of holding an easy going conversation.
Q.) What inspires you to create?
Ultimately people inspire Donn to create. When asked why, he passionately described his intentions as a powerful urge to convey his message to the world and prove a point to people through his art.
Q.) What is your craft?
As a Multi- media artist, Donn defines his craft as graphic designing. He encompasses all forms of body modification in his work. Making the goal to eliminate gender roles and encourage self love.
Q.) What made you want to start creating?
As a child, Donn always had the will to create art. At the age of four, Donn describes how he used to enjoy drawing girls. When he entered into college, he expanded his craft in painting, drawing and graphic designing.
Direct Quote: "Creating just sort of happened."
Q.) Do you have a particular theme?
No theme. Donn constantly creates. As a result, he immediately puts out ideas that come to mind without thinking of how it would reflect on his past work. He creates because he feels like it. Shares what he wants to do with the world out of free will.
Q.) Who have you gotten contacted by?
As his instagram empire grew, Donn was eventually contacted by famous singers/ songwriters Kehlani and Erykah Badu.
Special Mentions:
When asked about his encounter with the star, Donn stated that she saw his craft and told him that he adored him and respected his craft. They instantly clicked and became friends. He even got shouted out for his birthday.
Erykah Badu:
When asked about his encounter with the neo-soul legend, Donn stated that she adored his craft and gave a tremendous amount of support for his work.
Q.) How do you feel about people that hate and love to hate?
Donn believes that he can't change someone that chooses to hate. He believes he can show them why it is wrong but can not force them to change the error in their actions. Believes that it starts with self. That everyone is capable of change but it must genuinely come from within. He openly stated that he used to be small-minded at one point in his life. However, he changed internally through art. He realized that colorism was wrong and that other ill-minded concepts that were taught to him were harmful. He credits art for being the influence that he needed to stop following others and begin to stand up for what he believes in.
Donn Brathwaite is a one of a kind individual with a unique soul. It was a pleasure working with him Truly inspiring.