Is any type actually rare? Is intuitive bias on tests not real and humans have just evolved to be intuitive? Can someone be multiple types? And WTF are functions?
Well, dear reader, let us find out.
I started researching these questions (as well as others!) due to not understanding if I was an ENTJ or an ESTJ. However, this was not my first MBTI rodeo of uncertainty. I've been (in this order) an INTJ, INTP, INTJ again, ISTJ, INTJ (again!), INFJ (me being a feeler was like, one day, ok? I don't understand it either ), INTJ (I know, it's ridiculous), ENTJ, ESTJ, and back to ENTJ. I just kept getting into this loop. I think part of it had to do with me wanting to have the same MBTI codes as my favorite fictional characters but, alas, I could not decide. I related to the ENTJ-ness of Spencer Hastings and Paris Gellar just as well as the ESTJ's known as Mona Vanderwaal and Dean Winchester.
All great characters, just all a bit too similar. I know what you're thinking, I'm a crazy person. And maybe I am. But as someone with BPD, I need to know these sort of things and they change everyday.
I do however, know what I am not. Here's a handy list for what I am not.
I am not an...
That's 13/16. And what's left?
Goddammit. Also, I want to be rare. Just as rare as those fake INFJs want to be. I feel rare. I feel unusual.
But that could just be my DID.
See, no type can be rare. In a world of approximately 7.5 BILLION people, how are INFJ's only 90 million? That's not right. Is an ENTJ really rarer than an ENTP? Nope. So rarity was ruled out for me. People want to be uncommon. Special, if you must. But to all of you INTJs, ENTJs, and INFJs… suck it up. You're just as common as an ESFP.
Next question.
Intuitive bias on tests. Real or not real? Personally, I think it's a load of bulls*it. We have to be intuitive. That's why there are function stacks! Just because you are an ISFP doesn't mean you aren't intuitive. In fact, it's just your third function. That simple. You still are intuitive. So no, there isn't an intuitive bias unless the test taker is over exaggerating themselves. Which happens a lot. So we can't blame the test, just the test taker.
Finally, on multiple types. No. You're one type and it's not changing. That doesn't mean that every INTJ is a robot. Or every INFP is Luna Lovegood in disguise. It just means that your personality, past life, and circumstance have shaped you. There are only 16 types to choose from and only 1 works to you. Cue the MBTI functions.
I act like an introvert. I'm shy. But here's a surprise. My type says I'm an extrovert! Thank you functions. When in my INTJ or ENTJ phase, I learned about function stacks. My Te has always been a bit higher than my Ni and my Fi is pretty damn low (Keys2Cognition says that it, as well as Fe, are "unused"). So I went with ENTJ for a while until I noticed that my Ne and Ni were close, as well as my Se and Si. So I'm still stuck. And I might forever. And that's ok.
Knowing your MBTI may never happen but if it does, it's great.