It’s only my second article and I’m all ready out of ideas. I’ve started listicles and articles, funny pieces and think pieces. I’ve thought about politics and baking, high school and college, even considered poetry.
And yet, nothing seems right.
Maybe it’s because I’m an art major, so I’m always thinking of how to express my ideas and thoughts visually, so when it comes to actually writing it out, I have no idea where to find the words.
Maybe I’m burnt out. College is tough, and anyone who says differently is lying. College isn’t about memorizing textbooks or notes and regurgitating them on tests, its having opinions and ideas, and thinking of well-crafted arguments to defend your thinking. It’s exhausting in ways I never thought possible.
Maybe it’s because I’m home for Thanksgiving, and I forgot that my friends and family have lives that don’t involve me. It’s like I’m watching an episode in the middle of a season without watching the rest of the episodes.
Do I even have the right do have writers block? I’ve literally only written one other article, if I’m out of ideas already, that’s probably not a great sign.
So I’ve started searching for inspiration. Sitting outside and letting the weak November sun warm the back of my neck, and re-reading favorite books. Drinking tea and watching old movies. Waiting until I think of an idea worthy of sharing with the world.