Staying on campus is an expense, but a worthwhile one. Living in a college dorm comes with many perks, ones that I think outweigh the cons. LSU Housing, in particular, has a few awesome benefits worth mentioning. If you're staying on the east side, you'll get to experience classic dorms like Herget, Miller, and Laville (the rooms in Laville? HUGE.). The Westside? The best side. In newer, more modern dorms like Cypress, the Residential College one dorms (South Hall is the best dorm ever and no one can tell me differently), or the new Spruce Hall, you can get a taste of where residential life is heading.
But, regardless of what side you decide to live on, you're still going to have one of the best times of your life.
1. If you're late for class, you're not really late for class.
When staying on campus, the only thing that determines if you're late for class is your walking speed. There's a reason college students walk so fast. We have places to be! I could make it from South Hall to Tureaud Hall in 10 minutes if I woke up late. The quad can be a five-minute walk from any hall on campus. Possibly even less. So, get your beauty sleep guys!
2. Food, food, food!
So. Much. Food. LSU is surrounded by a million food places, so when the 5/459 inevitably fail you, you always have somewhere to go. Buffalo Wild Wings has half-off wings on Tuesdays and Thursdays (boneless)! Cane's takes Tiger Cash, and the Chimes may be a little expensive, but it is so worth it.
3. Your friends are a hop, skip, and jump away!
Having easy access to your friends all the time is an adventure that never ends! From the sleepovers to the immediate shoulder to cry on after that test, it's one of the best things ever. You always have a lunch buddy or someone to meet you for dinner. If you're bored and you want to visit them? No driving involved, just a couple of steps.
4. You meet so many new people!
Staying in a dorm gives you access to so many people that you might not have otherwise met. If living in a residential college, you get to meet some really cool people that share classes and interests with you. Automatic study groups for the next four years! You can meet people in the computer lab while printing something, while you're in the kitchen cooking, or even sharing a study room with someone!
5. Game Days!
No matter where you live on campus, it beats driving to campus on a game day. Oh, my gosh, game day traffic is legendary. Plus, you can get there earlier than anyone else, and be in the student line before anyone else. Which means you get in Tiger Stadium before anyone else. And there are so many benefits to that.
The point is, staying on campus is awesome.