Tucked away in a storage room in French Hall is the Bearcats Pantry, which provides non-perishable food to University of Cincinnati students who struggle with hunger and need immediate help.
Coordinated by McMicken College of Arts and Sciences senior assistant dean Lisa Holstrom, the food bank was created in 2016 by the staff of the Arts and Sciences department with donations collected by faculty.
“It was really a labor of love among the staff that support students and see students, and the faculty have been incredibly generous,” said Holstrom.
The Bearcats Pantry is open to all students.
Those needing assistance can visit the Math and Science Support Center front desk located in room 2133 at French Hall from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. Monday through Thursday and 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Friday where they are escorted to the food closet and handed a reusable bag to stock up with food to get them through a few days to a week.
Dining vouchers to Center Court and Kroger gift cards are also available.
“Our concern is you say you’re hungry, let’s get you some food. It’s not my job to judge whether you really need it or not,” Holstrom said.
Those who visit the Bearcats Pantry for the first time are required to fill out an intake survey. The survey is confidential and is meant to help the Bearcats Pantry understand the needs of the students who are seeking assistance and to provide additional resources such as information on how to connect with Hamilton County Jobs and Family Services to apply for food stamps and local food banks that are designed to serve long term needs such as the St. George Food Pantry located at Dennis Street off Calhoun Street behind Corryville Catholic School.
Since its opening last year, it is estimated that the Bearcats Pantry has served between 20 to 30 students.
“A&S alone has 7,000 undergrads, so I worry about the students that we’re missing,” said Holstrom.
A committee headed by Dean of Students Dr. Juan Guardia was formed to address food insecurity on UC’s campus and how to address it comprehensively.
Key members of the committee include Holstrom, Daniel Cummins (Assistant Dean of Students), Nicole Ausmer (assistant director of Student Activities and Leadership Development), Nicole Mayo (director of Student Affairs), Brandy Reeves (director of the Student Wellness Center), and Kathy Brown (director of the Center of Community Engagement).
The committee is focused on developing resources at this stage. Nicole Ausmer said, “It was agreed around the table that we have a lot of UC students, a lot of Cincinnati natives that attend the university. Food insecurity is very high in the city, so one can assume that some of that is coming onto our campus.”
According to the 2014 Map the Meal Gap report, Hamilton County has a population of 806,631 with 18.6 percent of those residents as being food insecure. The Columbus Dispatch confirms that “the national food insecurity rate was 14.3 percent between 2012 and 2014.”
“The thought that food is a barrier for someone being successful, this thing that’s a necessity, it’s necessary to eat. It’s not even negotiable. You have to eat to live. And then the shaming that comes with it,” Ausmer said, pointing out those who question others eating at McDonald’s instead of eating healthy.
“A burger is a dollar versus fresh fruits and vegetables that can add up very quickly. We have to get rid of that shaming of what people eat versus what they need," said Ausmer.
The committee hopes one way to combat the stigma of food insecurity and to get word out about the Bearcats Pantry is by doing a food drive with student groups to support those in need on and off campus with 25 percent of the collection going to the campus food bank and 75 percent going to food banks off campus.
“You’re supporting your peers, and seeing that there’s someone right next to you who could be food insecure, but you are also actively engaged in the City of Cincinnati and realize that our food insecurity numbers are well above the national average,” said Ausmer.
Other ideas by the committee include a discussion with St. George Food Pantry to make their hours more flexible for students, partnering with Dining Services to provide additional dining hall vouchers, providing money on Bearcat Cards, and working with UC Sustainability to offer leftover food to all students from UC Food Services’ Grab and Go meal program, dining halls, and events.
“Somebody called it a Band-Aid,” Lisa Holstrom said. “It’s not a Band-Aid, it’s a bridge. It’s a bridge to longer term support.”