Some people have amazing and great self motivation and self discipline. However, some people do not. The easiest way to find out which type of person you are is to take an online class. There are the ones who love online classes, read the text and lead the discussion posts, however there are also the ones who take the quizzes and read/post discussions, but don't get much out of the class. Then, there are the ones who forgot they signed up for an online class all together. Here are 10 reasons why Online classes are the worst:
1. Discussion posts
Have you ever taken an online class? If so, you know what a discussion post is. And frankly, it is quite possibly worse than a test or quiz or essay. A discussion post is 100-300 words of BS that you don't even believe. It starts off with something like "Hi Karen, I totally agree with your views on climate change. I, too, think that our world is round and the water is definitely looking more light blue as opposed to dark blue in Lake Alice." Complete and utter nonsense.
2. One on One time with the professor
This is a loss you take when you are in an online class, you will probably never meet the professor
3. Relationships with students
Normally in a class, I try and at least make one friend. In an online class its almost IMPOSSIBLE. AND who is supposed to suffer with you?
4. Relationships with Professors
How are you supposed to form a relationship with your professor, or get him to write you a recommendation letter in the future if you never even met the dude? How is the professor supposed to help you?
5. Quizlet
Let's face it. Why do the majority of us take online classes...? Because all of the answers are on quizlet and no one Is ACTUALLY learning
6. Accountability
Besides the random discussion posts and the random Quizlet quizzes... how do the professors know that you are actually reading? They don't. They can't call you out directly and embarrass you.
7. NO boosts with attendance and participation
There is no 20% boost in the grade from a C to a B with coming to class and participating
8. Distractions
There is no set times on Monday Wednesday and Friday to put in work for this class, so it's usually one of those classes that you dedicate Sunday night to while watching The Office. This can't be efficient.
9. NO personalization
Many times, teachers will personalize assignments to the types of students in the classroom. This is VIRTUALLY impossible.
10. Motivation is low
Online classes are looked at with the same high standards as normal on campus classes and students are usually fueled in motivation towards other courses in their work load.