In honor of my sister surprising me today at the bus station, here is what anyone needs to know about what it's really like for me and Kayla being twins.
1. We don't have all of the same friends.
We have most of the same people in our friend group from home, but we met others through different activities and jobs that we've had, and also through college. We do sometimes hang out with our similar friends together and are invited to the same parties, but we also do things with these people on our own.
2. We're NOT identical.
Being Identical twins implies that we look alike, and sorry to say it, but we really don't. We don't have the same nose or eyes (not even close) and we have different hair colors. I don't want to look like her anyways (not that she is ugly) because she and I are separate people and I want to look like me.
3. We do fight a lot.
Like any siblings, we fight over many different trivial things such as who gets to use the car or whose tank top the one on the floor is. I usually end up giving in because I feel badly (being a Type B personality myself and having a twin who is more Type A, you would figure as much). I actually used to bite her when we would fight, but we have thankfully since evolved past this.
4. We always care about each other.
No matter what happens in our lives, we will always be there for each other to talk and listen to. We know everything about all the big things that have happened in each other's lives, and want the best for each other in everything we do.
5. It's weird being apart.
After having been in the same house for 18 years (save one month where she went to sleepaway camp--never again) being at different schools has definitely hit me hard. It feels like a part of me is missing and sometimes it's hard to compensate for that because there is no way to replace someone who is literally related to you. But I am happy she has met and hangs out with so many amazing people, and I'm starting to do the same for myself.
6. We are the best twins you will ever meet.
It's not a question, we are the best. We are both really caring and charismatic but each of us brings something new to the table about ourselves. And that's awesome. And you better love it, or else...we will come get you.