I was diagnosed with autism at the age of 2 and a half years old. When I first learned about my diagnosis, at age 12, I felt that I would never become a functional human being. I already knew that I was radically different from the other kids my age in multiple aspects. We had different general intellect, hobbies and interests. Knowing whyI was different kind of gave me some understanding but all the knowledge in the world couldn't make me feel any better about myself. Sometimes, well frankly most of the time, I wished that I could be cured of my autism and become a normal functioning human being.
As I grew older, I started to realize that my autism is something that is a part of me and that for better or worse I'm stuck with it. I came to accept my diagnose and made it a part of my identity. Unfortunately as I joined social media, I realized that not everyone is on the same page. Cue Kerri Rivera and her website. Kerri Rivera and her ilk believe that autism is avoidable (by not taking vaccines), treatable (by inserting bleach either in the mouth or anus. That's right, she believes that bleach cures of autism), and curable (by said bleaching). There is even a Facebook group dedicated to Kerri's bleaching cult. The groups members frequently post up pictures of "autism causing worms", when they are actually bits and pieces of a child's (or teenager's) intestine lining.
As not only an autistic person, but as a general human being, this offends me to the point of absolute disgust. There is no cure for autism. It is a neurological disorder that causes cognitive and/or social problems. With proper therapy, any individual with autism can overcome their disability. No bleach needed. Any parent who is even considering taking part in this horrific, disgusting, and barbaric act needs to have a cold, hard look at what Kerri Rivera is doing. She is literally advocating for the poisoning of poor, defenseless autistic children. And what's worse is that this poisoning is under the guise of helping them! Kerri and her sick ilk are the worse parenting group to walk the face of this Earth! Normally, I would condemn trolling but feel free to report anything involving the promotion of Kerri Rivera and her group to Facebook's admins.
As a final note, Kerri Rivera is actually on the lam and is currently under fire for several charges of child abuse. Last anyone has heard about her, she successfully fled to Mexico. Her Facebook group, however, is still going strong. Anyone with information about the case is encouraged to leave them in the comments section.