I hang bright red and plump among my brothers, waiting to be plucked from the vine. I’ll
eventually find my way into a salad, a greasy cheeseburger, or maybe even your
Monday night stir fry. I have travelled hundreds of miles and have not wilted. I have
endured freezing temperatures but have not hardened. My relatives have helped
prevent cancers and diseases and have nourished those who cannot produce for
themselves. I am feared by some and fought for by others. I am not your ordinary
produce as my genes have been enhanced and finely tuned. I am a genetically modified
tomato. I may be known as a GMO or a genetically modified organism; or perhaps you
know me as a GE food which stands for ‘genetically engineered’. Though many have
heard of me, many still have yet to get to know me. To define my existence some would
say a “genetically modified organism (GMO) is a living organism (bacteria, plant,
animal) whose genetic composition has been altered by means of gene technology”
(Khan 6). Or in other words, a tiny piece of DNA taken from another organism has been
added to my genetic composition to give me advantages never before seen by man. In
this way, I am able to reach other regions without rotting; I am able to survive the
unexpected spring freeze and nourish your families throughout the year. Genetically
modified organisms allow sustainability in large populations as well as help those who
cannot produce major crops due to pests or environmental changes; GMOs can even
provide nutrients for those who suffer illnesses and diseases due to nutritional
GMOs often instill fear and outrage in populations throughout the world. Many
activist groups claim ‘real food’ may disappear from dinner tables if unhealthy GMOs
pollute the fields and supermarkets. Jimmy Botella, a professor of plant biotechnology at
the University of Queensland Australia, sheds light on the matter. Botella reminds his
audience that genetically modified foods have existed without controversy for quite
some time (Waiter...). For example, kiwifruit entered the supermarkets in 1959 after a
Chinese gooseberry arrived in New Zealand and endured extensive breeding and
genetic alterations. On the other hand, what could be more natural than a banana
purchased from the fresh produce section at the grocery store? In reality, natural
bananas contain large black seeds the can cause bowel obstructions but by cultivating
bananas that only have three genome copies we take away their ability to reproduce
and therefore, seedless bananas grow. The Pew Research Center suggests that a
massive gap exists between United States adults’ popular view towards GMOs and
AAAS scientists’ views on the subject. The Pew resource writes “a minority of adults
(37%) say that eating genetically modified foods is generally safe, while 57% say they
believe it is unsafe. By contrast, nearly all AAAS scientists (88%) say they consider
eating GMOs to be generally safe.” Many scientists who have studied and worked with
genetically engineered foods agree that the consumption of GMOs rests as a mostly
safe activity. Botella attempts to bring into perspective this so called ‘risk’ that may be
involved with consuming GMOs. He suggests that the riskiness associated ingesting
GMOs remains proportional to that of driving, crossing a street, or walking in the sun;
even with breathing as humans run the risk of catching the flu or other illnesses at any
given time.
As the world population increases, a threat directed at food security begins to
loom over world leaders and the general population. Khan, author of "Genetically
Modified Organisms (GMOS): Food Security or Threat to Food Safety” in the Pakistan
Journal Of Science acknowledges the 2400 people that die of starvation every day and
discuss the horrifying statistic that 13 million children under the age of 5 die due to
hunger and malnutrition. But with the help of genetically modified organisms, world
hunger may begin to come to an end. Corn, for instance, is a historical staple
throughout civilizations, has been challenged with drought, pests, and noxious weeds,
but with genetic enhancements, corn may grow with very little water which would allow
the crop to survive droughts. Some organisms already contain attributes that repel pests
who have a reputation of destroying crops (The Benefits of Genetically Modified Foods).The more
seedlings that survive from planting to harvesting means higher yielding crops which
means more food! With controlled crops, the likelihood of failed production and lack of
important nutritional staples diminishes, leading to a healthier, fuller world.
GE crops have also been enhanced to contain nutritional benefits. In a Ted Talks
video entitled “GMO controversies: science vs. public fear” with Borut Bohanec, the
head of the Department of Genetics and Biotechnology at the University of Ljubljana,
draws attention to vitamin deficiency that occur simultaneously as anti GMO groups
refuse to accept the production of golden rice. The Golden Rice Project states that “the
estimated number of children deaths precipitated worldwide by vitamin A deficiency
(VAD) every year lies at 1.15 million. Many more show VAD related syndromes, among
them loss of sight and increased susceptibility to a number of diseases.” These
problems can be solved with golden rice, a grain that has been genetically modified to
produce provitamin A (The Golden Rice Project). These crops do not contain the
poisonous or dangerous materials that propaganda and anti GMO activists claim.
Instead, genetically engineered foods may save the lives of those who cannot obtain
essential nutrients; however, the fear that surrounds the term “GMO” proves enough to
prevent the production and use of life saving crops.
First, a concern for the people arises among world leaders, then concern for the
environment grows. Perhaps you have heard rumors that suggest GMOs require more
herbicides and destroy soil composition. However, in an article in the Journal of
International Affairs found that GMOs actually reduce the amount of agrichemicals used
in the production of all crops. Insecticides barely brush the surface of GE
tomatoes, maize, potatoes and other genetically enhanced crops. Even the soil benefits
from ‘notill’ farming which enhances carbon retention. The University of California,
Santa Cruz also recognizes the issues of soil salinity which results from irrigation and
land clearing. Soil salinity prevents crops from growing
and destroys viable land; however, crops may be genetically modified to have salt
tolerant traits. The University of California gives an example of a salt tolerant plant: “a
gene from the grey mangrove, Avicennia marina, has been genetically implanted into a
tobacco plant, making it able to tolerate salt stress as well as showing tolerance to other
ionic stresses.” By simply taking a gene from another organism, in this case a tree,
crops have potential to thrive even if farmers destroy agricultural land from over farming,
pollution and land clearing. GMOs not only reduce the amount of pollution that usually
takes place during farming but also preserves soil viability.
Though I am only a humble tomato sitting among many in the plentiful
supermarkets of the United States, I know others like me travel to feed the hungry. I
know corn fights to grows in unnaturally harsh environments in order to sustain this
civilization. With genetically modified and enhanced organisms, a surplus of food begins
to feed the growing world population. In an interview with Mark Lynas, a once anti GMO
activist admits his change of heart occurred due to his occupation as a science writer.
As Lynas learned more about the GE market, he found that the benefits of genetically
enhanced foods stands equivalent to the evidence for climate change. He felt he could
not believe in one (climate change) and disregard the other (GMOs), or else there would
an inconsistency in his position. From feeding the hungry and curing the
nutritionally deficient, the benefits of GMOs greatly outweigh the skepticism and fear
that surrounds the term. Further research and development of genetically modified
foods will only propel the world into a healthier and more productive era.