This week marks the end of the 2016 Rio Summer Olympics, an amazing showcase of the world's greatest athletes from every walk of life. It seems that no matter what, every few years the world gets together to simultaneously lose their minds over sports they almost never pay attention to. This years Olympics were full of some of the most incredible athletic achievements on record, along with some appalling behavior by some of the best known athletes who were once well respected. It was an interesting few weeks, leaving most people, specifically American fans, feeling a little strange.
Starting on a high note, the 2016 Summer Olympics was absolutely dominated by some amazing African American women from the United States. Simone Biles, Kristi Castlin, Brianna Rollins, Nia Ali, Clive Rose, Michelle Carter, Simone Manuel, Ibtihaj Muhammad, Dalilah Muhammad, and Gabby Douglas were the stars of the games, breaking records left and right. It was an amazing site to see, particularly as the U.S. has been lacking a lot of love and support during 2016, to watch these incredible women completely smash records with grace, poise, and an impressive amount of joy. As an athlete, it was amazing to sit back and watch every woman compete with a ferocity that no other competitors brought and compliment their actions with beautiful sportsmanship.
Unfortunately, Rio was also an example of how some athletes still take their privilege and luck several steps too far. The shock of the games was when U.S. Men's Swimming Champion Ryan Lochte and three of his teammates claimed to have been held hostage, when in reality the four men vandalized a gas station and didn't want to take responsibility for their actions. Not only was Lochte once a well respected, albeit childish, swimmer, but he left Rio without being held accountable for his actions, but his only defense so far has been that he, "over exaggerated" the situation. Lochte and his teammates were like all the other Olympians: guests in Rio who should have shown the city respect and admiration, not taken advantage of the people who were hosting them.
While Lochte and his friends may have put a damper on an amazing occasion, there were not able to outshine all of the good that was accomplished during the games. For me personally, 2016 marked the year where an old friend of mine, Shane Ryan, represented Ireland as a member of their swim team. I can honestly say seeing a boy you knew as a lanky 4th grader swim in the Olympics is amazing! Whether you knew someone or not, everyone needs to appreciate all of the amazing female athletes who were able to outshine all of the bad behavior to become the stars of the games.