To The College Kids With Anxiety During Finals Week | The Odyssey Online
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To The College Kids With Anxiety During Finals Week

It'll all be ok.

To The College Kids With Anxiety During Finals Week

Chest tightening, short of breath, feeling like you're in a fog, not being able to concentrate or even move, thanks to anxiety. Waking up to a panic attack before a final is brutal. You're disoriented and frustrated, and all you want to do is have a good day. During finals week anything that throws you off can set off a panic attack.

For people struggling with anxiety finals week is a bomb filled, chaotic time. And despite planning and organizing things still will go wrong. Learning to roll with the punches is hard but don't worry you can do this. You will get through this week and then home and relaxing with your pets will be calling your name. Until then here are some tips to get you through the week.

1. Don't sweat the small stuff.

Take each test and day one step at a time. Things will go wrong and you will feel like you've lost control but you cannot let that bring you down. Make a small manageable to-do list every day. Check off what you accomplish as you go. This will help you feel less overwhelmed when things go wrong.

2. Take breaks.

Studying is exhausting and it is okay to take a break. A Good rule of thumb is a 15-minute break every two hours. This will help you stay focused and alert while you study. Pro Tip: move study locations every now and then. This keeps you moving and a change of scenery will also be nice.

3. Study with friends.

Your fellow classmates are also feeling the finals week stress, and being together will make you feel less alone. You can also ask them questions on concepts you didn't understand. And when you're done studying you have people to go get a bite to eat with.

4. Take care of yourself.

Get sleep. All-nighters will only make you more tired and you most likely won't retain what you need. Eat healthy food. Stress makes your body crave sugar-filled snacks but don't give in. Grab some fruit or something with protein to give you a nice energy boost. You'll feel better in the long run.

5. Don't procrastinate.

I know procrastination is an anxious minds best friend. It is easy to push off what gives you anxiety than it is to face it head one. But the fact of the matter is that procrastination will only make you more stressed. Then it turns into a vicious cycle of stress and anxiety and nobody needs that.

6. You've got this.

it won't always seem like it but you do. And you will be okay. This is only one week. It will seem like the end of the world but it isn't. You are more capable than you know. Just think of all the yummy homemade food that is waiting for you at home.

Finals week is long and stressful and at times downright unfair. But at the end of it all, you will live and you will pass. So work hard, take care of yourself, and don't forget your worth. You are so much more than your anxiety.

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