Who doesn't want to be more like Olivia Pope? Olivia is the queen of snarky comments that all leaves us jaw-dropped. She speaks her mind, stands up for what she believes in and always looks stylish doing it. Olivia is the perfect trademark for how women should be treated. So many times, Olivia makes us wish we could be as strong and fearless as her. Since we no longer are able to see her beautiful face on television, here are 6 moments Olivia Pope made us proud and acted the way we all wish we could.
1. "You can't change the choices you made, all you can do is not let it ruin you."
Talk about a life-lesson for us all. We all make bad choices. It's how we deal with them that makes us who we are. We can't change anything, all we can do is learn from them and move on. Everyone makes mistakes, but Olivia teaches us all to learn from them, accept them and move on. Next time you make a mistake, let them teach you not destroy you.
2. "It's handled."
Each time Olivia would say this, I would cheer on the inside. Think about if we all looked at life this way. Instead of saying something is too difficult, let's just handle it. Life is too short to be worried about something, tackle it the Olivia Pope way. Now, go rock that exam or issue! Gladiators face fights, they don't run from them.
3. "If you want me, earn me!"
Girls, this is for you! You should always want guys to earn you, don't just give yourself away! Here's a tip too, you should earn the guy. Be the person your ideal partner is in your eyes. Become like the person you want to be with, and you'll find that person. Be an Olivia: strong, dedicated, fearless and compassionate instead of a Mellie who is so concerned about what everyone else thinks.
4. "You can dance with me, or get off my dance floor. I'm fine dancing alone."
Girls, never be too afraid to be alone. So many times we are surrounded by people who are coupled up, and we think we must be too. If you're single, you're single for a reason. Make the best of it and take this time to be you and figure out what you want. Learn from the mistakes of the people in relationships around you. This is your time to be unapologetically you. Olivia proved here that you can be strong and independent. We should be happy being us. Be strong and independent, because you're too great to have your smile shadowed!
5. "I don't want normal, and easy, and simple. I want painful, difficult, devastating, life-changing, extraordinary love."
Who doesn't? If we only want a love that's easy, we should just stop looking. The best things in life aren't easy, and it won't mean as much to you if it's easy either. The best things in life aren't normal and easy. Think about every romance movie you've ever seen and fantasized about being in, none of their lives or relationships were easy. Everyone deserves a love that sweeps you off your feet and makes you feel like you're living in your own romance novel.
6. "I don't want to talk. I want to eat too many fries and drink way too much wine and have a relaxing evening."
Preach, Olivia. There's nothing wrong with "you" time! Take time to appreciate yourself, too. We often get so caught up in everyday lives we forget to take care of ourselves. This is a lesson for everyone that if you're stressed, unhappy or sad, take some time for you. On bad days, handle them the Olivia Pope way: with wine and fries. You've got this, gladiator.