When I grow up, I really, really, really want to be Olivia Benson. OK, maybe I'm not going to be the most rockstar lieutenant of the SVU in the history of rockstar lieutenants of the SVU, but I want to be the Olivia Benson of whatever I do.
1. She knows what it takes to be a leader.
She leads the SVU just as well, if not better, than the others who have been in her position.
2. She owns up to her mistakes.
Not to spoil anything for those who haven't seen season 17, but she owns up to her mistake when she leaves Dodds in the house with Munson when neither of them checked to see if he was armed.
3. She is dedicated to hearing everyone's story and everyone's side of the situation.
Despite her passion and dedication to bringing those who have committed terrible and violent crimes to justice, she still listens to everyone's story. Even if she's 99.9% positive about what happened, she makes sure she has the evidence and stories in order.
4. She stays strong even in extremely challenging situations.
I refuse to give anything away from the rollercoaster ride that is the William Lewis saga, but just trust me on this one, or ask another SVU fan, if Olivia can stay strong in this situation, you can tackle that test.
5. She respects her colleagues.
Whether it's Fin who has been a part of SVU for a long time or a new detective just moving into the SVU, Olivia treats them all as her colleagues
6. She always looks ready to tackle anything and everything.
Olivia is ready for any case or situation that may be thrown at her. We could all do our part to be a bit more prepared on a daily basis.
7. She balances her work and her child.
Raising a family is hard, no way around it, and Olivia manages to raise Noah while also holding a career.
8. Oh, did I mention she is also currently holding down a relationship?
OK, before you come after me with the "she has dated before" comeback, yes, she has, but I'm sure you have too. The fact that she can date and still be independent and have such a great career and relationship with her son is incredible.
9. She is vulnerable sometimes.
Even someone as tough and awesome as Olivia Benson needs to show her emotions at times because everyone goes through things and has to process them and work through them. No one is invincible.