I was on a walk the other day, and I got to thinking, “I really love being outside in the fall.” Now, yes, this is something that comes inherently with the territory of being an Upstate New Yorker, but I enjoy the changing scenery and colored leaves for a reason other than aesthetic pleasure. When I see the color of the leaves as I stand at the top of a cliff, I feel a sense of lightness and freedom.
So here are the top reasons I love being 80 at Heart:
1. I can appreciate the lyrics and really feel see the bigger picture. When I look out over the mountain, I think of one of my favorite songs, Landslide, by Fleetwood Mac. “Time makes you bolder even children get older, and I’m getting older too.” I’ve gotten a lot of “You’re too young to think about that stuff,” but that’s what has taught me the concept of life.
2. It makes me reflect on my life, the good, the bad, and everything else in between, and learn to accept and grow from it. I have grown and changed in ways I would not be capable of if I didn’t take on this perspective.
3. I stop to enjoy the small things, like inhaling the crisp fall air, think of what a great day is to be alive on top of a mountain, or really listen to what’s being said to me. That’s why I love being 80 at heart: I listen to things, I don’t just hear them. Listening has allowed me to learn and gain a better part of myself.
4. Words of wisdom actually mean something to me. I can take important life lessons spoken to me, such as my Popie’s phrase, “Don’t wish your life away. It’ll be gone before you know it,” and really apply it. I was always able to truly listen to the important sentiments in life, not just hear them, something I really love having the ability to do.