To My Older Co-workers, Thank You For Teaching Me The Best Parts Of Life | The Odyssey Online
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To My Older Co-workers, Thank You For Teaching Me The Best Parts Of Life

You may not technically be a millennial, but there is so much that Generation Y can learn from you..

To My Older Co-workers, Thank You For Teaching Me The Best Parts Of Life
Ravi Shah

I was told when I first started college all those years ago that those years would be the time that I would find out the most about myself. The joke was on me when I realized how utterly false that statement is. I agree that once you are out of high school and dropped into the seemingly strange land of college you will realize a lot of aspects about yourself. But the deeper and more meaningful parts of you come when you are adjusting to the real and working world right out of school.

The post-pharmacy school era was probably the most trying times, because, in a matter of a few weeks, I went from conquering the last of my education and winning to starting out as the scrub at the bottom of a hierarchical totem pole (side note: I actually use this phrase in real life but if it catches on after you read this, that would be great). Navigating the landscape that is the working world is not the same as moving up a grade. People matter a lot more in this environment and your role in the workplace is sometimes defined by what you can provide. And how much you are willing to do to get to a better place.

So in short, there is no way to attack this with anything I was taught in school. Organic chemistry and humanities courses are useless when it comes to dealing with the dredges of everyday working. However, there is a bright spot in all of this: amazing, older, and wise co-workers. And they aren't born to the millennial generation.

Since I am fresh out of college and green around the gills, my co-workers act as my very own compass, helping me pilot my own ship across the same trecherous waters that they navigated not too long ago. So this article is for them: my wise-beyond-their-years, older-but-still-cool, crazy-on-a-Friday-night-but-responsible-come-Monday co-workers.

Thank you for taking me in. You could've easily not and brushed me aside as someone much younger than you and just leave me to climb on my own. But instead, you took in my too-wide-eyed expression, smiled indulgently, and made me a part of you.

Thank you for teaching me that there is a life outside of work. You realized that there is a drive in me to perform and I would push boundaries to get to where I want to be. But you took a step back with me and made me think about how to really relax and de-stress.

Thank you for bringing me coffee and reminding me to eat.You see that I am so intent of getting things done and gaining ground before all the assignments drown me, that I forget to eat. Thank you for remembering that I like my ketchup and mayo with my fries and that a Venti Americano will likely keep me going for three days. Thank you for feeding my sorry ass when it is hour 9 and I still have 5 more to go before the end of the day (tomato soup really hits the spot on a late night).

Thank you for letting me vent to you. Given our age difference, it may seem like they are petty and unreasonable issues that you can deal with in a breeze. But instead of brushing me off, you listen and make me come to the realization that what was an insurmountable boulder is just a tiny pebble.

Thank you for letting me drag you outside to do social things. Your idea of a Friday night is usually involving mindless tv and a self-imposed bedtime of 8:30PM. But instead of giving into your usual ways, you put up with all my antics and show up. (You also give all the young'ins a run for their money).

Thank you for sharing my love of karaoke. While it was an activity my college friends and I indulged in consistently, you leapt up at the chance to do something together. Belting out old 80s and 90s songs wraps up a semi-awful week at the office and makes me smile at the end of it all. Thank you for every happy hour we've indulged in and listening to all of my ridiculous stories (because I'm still working on how to find my post-college self).

And finally, thank you for being there. Whether I get to bother you or you get to trade stories with me, you all make my day just a little brighter.

Even if I am the youngest, the most naive, the scrub at the bottom of the totem pole, the munchkin amongst the doughnuts, you make this crazy transition from student to adult a barrel of laughs. With the new year approaching, here is to more fun and excitement. I can't wait to see where the next steps will take us.

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