One of the best parts of having a younger sibling is that when you are at a party and have no one to talk to, you have at least your so-called friend to talk with. However, dealing with your younger sibling when you are stressed out is not fun! Here are five responsibilities that all older siblings can relate to when handling their younger sibling
1. You are the experienced child.
Your parents learned everything from school, to which extracurriculars you should have taken to what mistakes not to repeat again since you are the first child.
2. You are forced to do most of your sibling’s work!
Since your sibling is too "little" to do the simple chores like washing the dishes or taking out the trash.
3. “You’re older, you should know better.”
Just because I am older does not mean that I should stop arguing with them. They purposely make stupid or silly mistakes that make you in trouble. No matter what the younger sibling does, us older sibling have to be the responsible one and ignore them. No matter how annoying they try to be!
4. You help them out with their upcoming school schedule!
My parents trust me by asking me to help my brother pick what class he wants to take in highschool! But trust me, it's a struggle.
5. Making food!
I actually enjoy this responsibility because it makes me motivated to make food for myself and my sibling. Also, it shows off my cooking skills!
6. Making sure they do their homework!
My parents trust me while they are not at home. Which means I have to make sure my brother is actually doing homework not playing fortnite!
7. Keeping your current notes neat!
Having authority of being the older sibling, i should keep my notes in an orderly-fashion so that my brother can refer to them when he is in that grade. Our younger sibling have all our notes to the specific class, and we unintentionally annotate the books for them in such pretty colors. I have all my quizzes and tests in a binder, and now my brother gets A's on all his quizzes and test!
8. Taking your clothes!
This is actually more common with younger siblings that are sisters. My brother doesn't normally do that but he takes my pencils and other stationary things!
9. Babysitting!
We all love taking care of our sibling, don't we! "Babysitting" is what we do everyday when our parents are not home.
10. Driving them places!
Even though I don't have my license yet, I can already picture myself driving to my brother's soccer practices and dance practices.
11. Role Modeling!
Everything you do, your sibling follows. This is why it is important that you should have a positive vibe around them so that they end up with the good qualities like you!
SEE ALSO: 13 Sibling Struggles That Make Being The Eldest SO Not Worth It
12. Motivation!
I always need motivation whether it being from a friend or from a drink like Starbucks. However, your sibling needs you to guide them through so that they can go in the right direction.
13. Being optimistic.
Being optimistic means that positive things happen and that they are responsible for their own happiness. We must make our siblings the future leaders when they are older since we have a lot of experience!
14. The Golden Rule!
The Golden Rule states how we should treat people the way you want to be treated. I know this is your younger sibling that we are talking about but you don't want him or her to end up acting rude to others.
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