Middle aged people are great. I mean we hopefully are all going to get to be that age at some point in our lives, but there’s just something about the way they comment on Facebook posts that get me. Their comments are hilarious and really nice all at once. So here is a list of what most comments made by people from the ages 45 and up might look like while you are scrolling through your timeline.
Picture of you and your friend
Looks like you two are having fun! Jerry just mowed the grass and I’m having some wine. Haha! Keep out of trouble ;) –Aunt M
You look nice. Miss you. See u at Xmas.
Social butterfly!
Picture of a landscape you posted
How beautiful! Wish we were there. It’s raining here. What a shame!
Jerry can’t mow that lawn becuz it’s raining here. Looks nice where u are. –Aunt M
Beautiful. Lovely. Wow.
Facebook status updating everyone on your life
Congrats!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You rock-keep your head up and you will go far!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yay!!!!! Jerry says yay too. –Aunt M
Picture of a concert you went to.
Never heard that band. Music isn’t as good as it was back in my day. What a shame.
Wow! Don’t get crazy at that concert. Ha!
Nice. Jerry and I just went to dinner. Had a nice time. Miss you. -Aunt M
Political Post
You won't think that way when you have a full time job!
Trump 2016 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Jerry is working outside today. I just did some gardening. Miss u. -Aunt M
Video of a dog you shared
Not as cute as our dog. haha!
Cute! Dogs are my favorite.
Hope u r well. Jerry and I doing fine. Found $5 on the ground. Fantastic day! Miss u. -Aunt M
Picture of you and your family
Beautiful Family!
How nice! Family is important. Glad u are all together. Jerry and I miss u all. -Aunt M
It's still storming here BUT glad u all are having fun :-)
So maybe these comments are a little exaggerated, but they also still hold to be true. You may or may not have a relative or family friend that comments like this on all of your Facebook posts, but they're out there. They're attacking every post as an opportunity to tell you about their life and congratulate you on being you. We may love them, but their comments can get a little excessive..So anyway, keep up your hard work. Keep posting on Facebook. Keep reading their comments and resisting the urge to delete it. You got this!
Disclaimer: I have no idea who Jerry is and I do not have an Aunt M.