When my parents (or really any older family members) use social media, there are certain things that honestly make me cringe. From the selfies and filters to the misunderstood use of hashtags, the older generations on social media make me want to block them for these reasons.
1. Invite You To Play A Game On Facebook
No, I do not want to play farming games and dot games on Facebook. I have better things to do. You are getting blocked now.
2. Selfies
Your #filtered selfies are something I can do without. We know you are proud of your weight loss, eyebrows, teeth whitening and healthy eating habits, but I do not need to see a selfie with a caption describing your whole life.
3. Comment, "Who Is This Young Man/Woman?" On Your Photo
Nana, it's okay! People do not date every person they have a picture with on social media. It is also very embarrassing.
4. Post Their Daily Schedule On Facebook
We do not care about the fact that you have to wake up and bring your kids to school, go to the gym, cook for lunch, take your kid to get his cast off and burn your pasta. Facebook is not #twitter or #Instagram.
5. Only Instagram #tbt Or #flashbackfriday
We get that you were young once. Now let's see some INSTA(nt)GRAMS.
6. Post Everything And Anything To Their Instagrams
We do not want to see your new pool cleaner, the dirty dishes your kids left in the sink or the new toothpaste you like on our Instagram feeds. Nothing is more disinteresting than random photos of random stuff on your feed.
7. Bragging About Your Siblings Accomplishments On Every Social Media Platform
Your brother's new haircut is not an accomplishment. We do not care! Share his wedding portraits instead or his graduation or his band playing a concert or his soccer team winning state. Literally anything that is actually interesting to the public.
8. Write Posts That Are Intended As Comments For All To See And That Make No Sense
This one is self-explanatory.
9. Overuse Of The Hashtag
#Overit #NoMore #WeDoNotWriteSentencesInHashtags
10. Post About Their Medical Problems As Well As Their Family's Medical Problems
Your son Henry's broken arm is not something you need to post on social media. We also don't need to see when he gets his cast changed. Not only is this uncomfortable, I am sure some people do not need to know the important medical information of your family members.
10. Use Snapchat
That's all.
11. Try To Zoom In On Instagram
No it does not zoom in. Seriously. If you need to zoom, screenshot and look at the screenshot.
12. Tag You In Ugly Photos
This is just common courtesy.