From An Older Brother To His Little Sister | The Odyssey Online
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From An Older Brother To His Little Sister

"Sometimes being a brother is even better than being a superhero."

From An Older Brother To His Little Sister

Hey punk,

I probably don't say this or express this as often as I should, but little sis, I love you. You mean more to me than I could ever express or you could ever know. You have become more than I had ever hoped for. From your first kiss and first boyfriend to recurring PR's in track and nearly perfect grades, I have grown to accept that you are becoming your own amazing, beautiful, perfect-in-your-own-way individual. You're not the little girl who used to tag along with me and my friends to the park down the street anymore. As my one and only little sister, you were the guinea pig for my role as an older brother and friend. That experience gained and learned will always hold a special place in my heart. You taught me more than you will ever know.

As your only older brother, know that I have always been your biggest advocate, cheerleader, friend and guardian. You might think back the time I gave you a bloody nose or terrorized you with an iron and think I'm the devil's spawn, but as a little boy, I just didn't know how to express my love and admiration for you in affectionate ways. I will always have your back, even in the roughest of times. You s̶h̶o̶u̶l̶d̶ could break up your boyfriend or mow down a mob with our massive SUV, and I'd still be by your side, with one arm around you and the other wiping away your tears (or blood). I love you sis, we both know the pain of growing up in a broken family, and I couldn't bear to see you hurt. I am always just a call away. And through the frienemies, flings and boyfriends, I will always be your knight-in-shining-armor waiting and ready to come rescue you from the pain of the world.

After all these years, you've probably grown tired of my ranting and endless nagging. But as your older brother, that's my job. And as you grow older you will learn, most of the time I am grasping at straws to help you become the wonderful young women you are becoming. Sis, there are some things you should remember. First and foremost, know that your Heavenly Father loves you more than you will ever comprehend. He is an even bigger advocate than I for your success. Never let your fear get in the way of your happiness, life is too short for that. Say 'I love you,' 'thank you,' and 'good job' every day. Never kiss on the first date. Take time to reflect on your life every day. Smile.

You should know that I will forever cherish our time together growing up. My heart will always remember the time when we raked leaves until it was dark and then laid in the piles pretending to be leaf-monster or when we went sledding until I couldn't feel my fingers or those early-morning Wawa runs before school. You might not know this, but some of my memories were with you. I loved cruising down the highway together on a hot summer day with the windows rolled down, harmonizing to the songs on the radio, not a care in the world to bring us down. It pains me to think that our time of memory-making together will soon come to an end. You will make new friends, meet new people and experience new things...all without me by your side. But there is one thing that will never change, my love for you.

Because of you, I have become the man I am today. Little sister, I love you more than you will ever know.

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