If you’re like me, you’ve been told way too many times that you’re an “old soul." I always would ask myself what this means, and as I’ve grown, I’ve come to terms with this whole “old soul” thing.
Your cup of coffee/tea is the best part of your day.
Oh, yes. Whether it’s before or after a long day, nothing is better than getting home, snuggling in a blanket and enjoying a cup of warm coffee.
You would so rather go for a night in by yourself (or with some friends) than go out.
Sure, that party sounds fun, and I’m sure going out to eat would be awesome, but you’d much rather stay in and relax. Leftovers and microwaveable meals are your best friends, and the “dinner table” is actually your lap in bed.
You probably say things like “just dandy," “lovely," “oh dear," “wonderful,” and “grand."
I don’t know why this is, but my soul just seems to want to use a vocabulary word higher than typical words like “good” and “happy." Don’t ask why. You also don’t feel the need to curse or use foul language.
People your age probably think you’re boring.
You love the classics, whether it’s movies, music, or literature.
Basically, if you were handed the aux cord in the car or you were given the choice for movies for the night, your friends have probably never seen it or heard it before.
Nature captivates you. You could spend all day soaking up the scenery around you.
You don’t really feel the need to “let go” or “be reckless” or “have fun” all the time.
You can enjoy a good time, but you are perfectly fine doing absolutely nothing.
Many things that society thrives for seem silly to you.
You aren’t phased by the “relationship goals” posts, or the crazy party pictures, the “Woman Crush Wednesday” posts, or even the extreme gestures that some people expect from their boyfriend/girlfriend. You’d be perfectly content alone, or just with some company that’s nice to be around and cares about you, someone that you could have a good conversation with and sit with drinking hot chocolate on a cold day.
Basically, you love the simple things. You love to have some fun, but are perfectly content with doing nothing at all. You are wise, simple, and relaxed. With a crazy society that we’re surrounded with, it certainly doesn’t hurt to have people like you around!